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Blossom character project

polycounter lvl 5
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Anthony_ polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys, just done some blocking out in Dynamesh and ended up with some low level details blocked in, I would love some feedback on how you feel about the proportions and crease placement or anything that's on your mind about what you see. Also any tips on creating crisp creases would be a 
plus, thanks


  • Skinner3D
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    Skinner3D polycounter lvl 5
    She is an odd cross between toned and dumpy and the line from her waist to hip bone is too straight. Probably need to think about what type of body she has and then look up some reference for that. 
    I feel like the neck is too thick and the head too small. It doesn't seem to go with the body.
    Turning off symmetry when doing wrinkles helps sell them better.
    The top of the foot of the boots is puffy and doesn't make sense as is. 
    Lots of information all at once. :)
  • Anthony_
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    Anthony_ polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks yeah I'm going for a toned look and will have to change some things around and I do wanna stay within stylised features etc, I tend to look at overwatch for a guide with that forever in love with that style. Also here a clearer picture of her body at the moment
  • Skinner3D
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    Skinner3D polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah the proportions are off. Everything from the belly button down looks not toned. The neck also lends to the overweight look as there are no lines of definition.
    The Overwatch style is characterized in part by harder angles than reality and to that effect I only see that in your collar bone and ribs.
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