I want to start this post by saying why this would be so rewarding and fun for any fantastic character artists reading this post:
I have already created a host of fish: cute coral fish, orca whales, piranha's... Their base meshes are solid, the Uv's are good to go, and I use a decal system embedded in the fish shader to quickly pop eyeballs onto fish. This means all that's necessary to make a new fish is adjust an existing fish's base geo a bit, add a unique fin or two and BOOM you're ready to pop the mesh into zbrush, do some poly sculpting and get a brand new fish slammed out. Super streamlined process, no headaches, no clothes or random things to make, if you're comfortable with the zbrush pipeline you could have a lot of fun just mindlessly slamming out great looking fish one after the other making some pretty decent side money.
What I'm looking for is someone who can slam out several very high quality fish to create a vertical slice of the game in the relatively near future.

If you're looking at this image and thinking, I CAN DO COOLER FISH WITH MORE CHARACTER THAN THAT! then you're the kind of candidate we're looking for.

Here's an image for reference, while this fish is a bit too photorealistic, something along these lines would obviously be superior to the existing art.
Ideal candidate:Professional, knows 3DS Max and Zbrush extensively.
Used to producing a fairly high volume of work in a short period of time.
A fan of indie gaming, would maybe want to be a key artist on an indie title if things go well with potential for Rev share.
Acceptable candidate:Knows 3DS Max and Zbrush pretty darned well.
Can hit the quality mark even if it takes a bit longer, will still take the below rates and use this as a learning experience.
Types of fish requested:1. Super cute cuddly fish, slightly cartoony fish (think finding nemo)
2. Dangerous, more realistic fish (See shark and orca in above screenshot)
3. Sci fish, robotic fish (style is a bit up in the air, but this could be some really badass stuff to conceptualize and create!)
Creative input:You would have as much creative control as you would like (within reason). Concept art/ reference can be provided on request. You can help decide which fish to make, if you have a thing for eels, go for it! But fish need to adhere to the somewhat cartoony, exaggerated form and style that the rest of the game exhibits. Not a total stickler for style, so long as the fish looks fantastic and adheres to UV and poly requirements when finished it will be acceptable.
Rates:Repurpose fish with unique high poly bake: 100$$ (estimated time 3 - 4 hours)High end fish created from scratch : 250$ (estimated time of completion 1-2 days) **Rates are negotiable if you happen to be a supreme character badass and meet those expectations.Total workload is expected to be about a few days paying a total of about 800$, give or take depending on how things go.
About the project: Fun little underwater roguelike quickly approaching alpha. It has combo based combat elements and light but impactful RPG mechanics that allow you to modify your fish, find new fish parts, etc. Gameplay ranges from beat 'em up to bullet hell scenarios.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VO7M1hgkjA (Ignore the overblown lighting!)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7xwQk8XwpI (preview of effects to come)
Things are swimming along pretty damned well and the team is very excited for where the game is going in the very near future. If you're an artist wanting to be part of something larger, you're dedicated, dependable, communicate well, and also willing to do some modest environment type art, this could potentially turn into something more than a quick commision type setup with the potential for rev share if things go really well and you'd like to continue contributing to the project in a big way.
Please PM me with inquiries, if you have any questions feel free to reply below so everyone can see answers to your question!First payment will be made quickly for a single fish for both of us to "test the waters".-Jeff
(Indie dev dude working on this fish game)