It's a good start, do you have any reference images or concept art that you're working from? It will help to get an idea of what, if anything, you're specifically going for.
Right now everything in the scene looks the same, there are very similar values and surface types on almost everything. Try breaking things up a bit by adding some color accents and different material types.
CrackRockSteady, thank you for the reply. I have many references from Doom4 and Batman: Arkham Knight (zeppelins interiors), but I don`t want this corridor to have similar looking. Unfortunately, I don`t have a goal idea of what I want to get, so I am experimenting and messing with this.
Right now everything in the scene looks the same, there are very similar values and surface types on almost everything. Try breaking things up a bit by adding some color accents and different material types.