Hey there,
My name is Zac. I've been lurking for a while and decided it was time I get involved.
I've been teaching myself for the past year and a half, and working mainly in Zbrush since last May. During that time I've found myself gravitating towards character art, so that's what I've decided to focus on. I look forward to getting involved and sharing my progress here.
**Critique and Comments are welcome**If you're interested, I can also be found at the following:
This is my WIP version of his Male Bust mini-course.
Original concept by Luigi Lucarelli:
Decided to call this one done. I feel like I learned a lot from it, and I'm excited to start the next project. Final Zbrush pose and render below.
Here's my progress on the blockout so far. Feel like it's pretty close, the forearms are giving me trouble though. May have to redo them.
Pretty rough at this stage. Still figuring out the arms and having some trouble getting the head and face to a good place.
Original concept by: Max Grecke
Original Concept by: Max Grecke
Getting close to calling him done. Here's the result of the first pass of posing. As always, any critique or comments are welcome.
Original concept (Left) by: Max Grecke
All that's left to do now is retopology for a game-ready mesh.
I ended up doing a few more tweaks and decided to make a version that matched the concept art as closely as I could. I'm officially calling his hi-res and render done. Now I just need to finish the retopo!
Good job!
After spending a long time on the reaper character, I decided it would be best to take a step back and do a quick bust. I'm aiming to finish him up tomorrow, but in the mean-time here's a quick progress shot.
Original concept art by: Johannes Helgeson -- Wasteland 2 Fan-art
-Original concept art by Johannes Helgeson.
Original Priest concept art by "Biboun" Christophe Fossard.
Parts that are still pretty rough:
- Skirting
-Hair (not very happy with how uniform it looks right now)
-Items hanging from waist wrap (sash, rope, satchel)
Quick BPR closeup of his face
Front and side view of the Priest's face
Basic front view of everything to this point
Side and 3/4 view
I'm nearly done with the Hi-rez. Here's what I've got left:
-Clean up area around eyes.
-Fix up Cross necklace (it looks a little weird right now.
-Detail hair
I'm quite happy with how the hands turned out, so I decided to include a couple close-up shots of them.
Thanks for taking the time to look!
Been a while since I've posted here. Had a rough couple of months and decided to go back to fundamentals and try to really build up a better artistic foundation. Here's a quick little Fishman bust that I've been tooling around with as a practice piece.