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Spacestation Padded Wall Material (Done)

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Finnn greentooth
Hey everyone!

I finished the material. It turned out very different, but I am very happy with the result and I learned a ton.

Hope you like it!

Here it is:



OpenGl (Designer Viewport)

OpenGl CloseUp


  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    Added Wear, Scratches, Dirt, and Metal Clips. None of the people who viewed the thread wanna press a quick comment? :(

  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    Not sure if the metal clasps work in the material , it was looking good with out them and i think that this would be some thing you would model in and not have in the texture. I like the wear and tear the roughness variation is good. Maybe some colour variation would work to? 
  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    jaker3278 said:
    Not sure if the metal clasps work in the material , it was looking good with out them and i think that this would be some thing you would model in and not have in the texture. I like the wear and tear the roughness variation is good. Maybe some colour variation would work to? 
    Thanks alot for your comment Jack!

    You are right about the metal clasps. I had alot of trouble making them fit in ... and they are still looking odd.
    Do you have any idea on how to make them look less artifical?  (I put too much work in to them to just delete them)

    I do have some colour variety but it is very subtle. The 'pillows' get a little brighter towards the top.
    What kind of color variation do you think of? Something more obvious?

    cheers !
  • jaker3278
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    jaker3278 polycounter lvl 8
    Hi @Finnn glad i could add some feed back. 

    On the subject of the metal clasps, could they become something other than clasps? I mean could you alter them to become a scfi element of the strap, i'm just thinking as you want to keep them.

    Glad you have some colour variation , could you add a gradient from the bottom so it looks like ground dust, could work when presenting it as a cube. 

    Just throwing you some ideas. peace! 
  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    Thanks alot,

    gonna look through some references and maybe I found some good ideas.

    I have another idea right now, I could try to break the bands, make them ripped apart and hanging down. Right now there is just something special missing.^^

    Gonna try that gradient,

    cheers Jake and thanks alot for your feedback!

  • oraeles77
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    oraeles77 polycounter lvl 7
    what will be the final use of this model? will this be for a smart phone game or PC game or an animation etc?
  • PatrickSF
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    PatrickSF triangle
    The straps seem as though they dip in a little too much. i'm thinking that they seem to have too much slack in that area considering they seem to be wrapped around the inner part in such a way that it bulges.
  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    oraeles77 said:
    what will be the final use of this model? will this be for a smart phone game or PC game or an animation etc?

    I am working towards being an environment artist, so this is supposed to be either for environmental props or modular assets. (It started out as a scifi padded wall texture)

    PatrickSF said:
    The straps seem as though they dip in a little too much. i'm thinking that they seem to have too much slack in that area considering they seem to be wrapped around the inner part in such a way that it bulges.

    Yes, it was very difficult for me to introduce the clips into the height map. I used a copy clend node, this way the bend a little and blend better into the height. Otherwise the seams would be very ugly...

    I am defently gonna rework the clips, I found some good reference and will try a different approach.

    new reference for the clips:

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts,

  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    jaker3278 said:
    Hi @Finnn glad i could add some feed back. 

    On the subject of the metal clasps, could they become something other than clasps? I mean could you alter them to become a scfi element of the strap, i'm just thinking as you want to keep them.

    Glad you have some colour variation , could you add a gradient from the bottom so it looks like ground dust, could work when presenting it as a cube. 

    Just throwing you some ideas. peace! 
    I did what you suggested and added a gradient linear tiling according to my main tiling and it certainly improves my diffuse map!

  • Finnn
  • Finnn
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    Fantastic rough-cut wood. There's a tiling mark going across the grain that's a bit too repetative IMO, but that's a minor nitpick. Do you have a texel resolution in mind for this?
  • Finnn
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    Finnn greentooth
    Fantastic rough-cut wood. There's a tiling mark going across the grain that's a bit too repetative IMO, but that's a minor nitpick. Do you have a texel resolution in mind for this?
    Thanks alot ^^ Rough cut planks is a great name for it, I renamed my Artstation project ^^

    I worked in a very small tiling pattern, because the material is going on a viking shield and is not going to tile more than once :P

    What exactly should I keep in mind with texel density ?^^ This is 4096x4096. The prop has 3 udims, each 4k
  • CheeseOnToast
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    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    I see a lot of really nice looking, well-made substances that would tile horriibly in real world usage. For example, a brick wall texture that has only four bricks per row. You'd have to tile that a lot to cover the side of a building, highlighting any repeats. Vert blended textures help, but I'd rather have a 1024 texture with 8 bricks and less obvious repetition than a 512 with 4 bricks, if that makes sense. I think if you have a texel resolution in mind from the beginning, you'll avoid the trap of getting too into tiny details that would need a huge texel resolution to hold up in a game and have textures that are easily swapped out because they have a consistant scale.

    Since your usage is for a smallish prop rather than an environment, that's a different story.
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