Please visit my Artstation site to see all Images & Videos of this project!
Finally finished my mystical raptor scene and wanna share it with you.
For me, it's important not to do just simple creatures. It should
tell a story and make the viewer feel something when they look at it.
Another thing I like is when you put creatures you already know in a
different view. We always know raptors as dangerous and sneaky monsters.
Showing them in a calm mystical night scene will take that dangerous
mood away. Especially when you see a sleeping one.
Thanks as well for the cooperation with the amazingly talented 'Jeff Capili'. He did the Rig + Animation for the single raptors and rendered the videos out in Redshift. If you like his work please visit his Website: (
I'm really happy that I finished this project. I'm still in love with dinosaurs since my childhood. ♥