Hey guys,
I know that's a big question concerning an overall optimization for a VR PC project, and I know it needs time in order to get it done. But I would really like to know from people who previously had this experience.
What should I take into consideration when optimizing a VR game for PC regarding art assets and VFX using Unreal Engine4?
Many thanks,
You can set LODs and cull specific objects/rooms away from our outside of the player's view for example. Watch out for shader complexity, what a normal game can usually handle, a VR game will sometimes choke on.
Taken screen space also plays a part of this. When you have an expensive material, and you make it covering the whole screen by going closer to it, you can notice that the performance decreases, and it improves as you go further (it takes less screen space).
- Complexity of the math of the emissive could be considered though, but I would assume you just multiply a color/value by a mask, or some simple animation. Like sines and whatnot.
Epic put up a video about the art process on robo recall that has specs in it - that'd be a good place to start.
I'm pretty sure robo recall was done on the forward renderer though so be aware that things will be a little different if you choose to use the deferred one.