Hello! My name is stuart and I am a student at abertay. I Started this project and just wanted to put it out there and maybe get feedback along the road.

So far i've sized everything in max and just started sculpting the scene. ( This isnt the final design)

This is the style Im going for.
Need to redesign the door and few other pieces, also work on some foliage to hide my faults!
Your sculpts look great imo.
I just have to model the door maybe a different floor tile. I've learnt a lot so far about destruction in sculpts. I defiantly went to far in some of the models with cracks and dent. Maybe i still am? I'm trying to go a moderately styled theme. I also created a new smart material hopefully it gives off a styled feeling. A lot of this is new to me so i really would appreciate any advice !
Before i bake these down I would love some feedback, I've been staring at these sculpts for hours and stuff starts to all look the same