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[WIP] Witcher Inspired Hut

polycounter lvl 6
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Krypten22 polycounter lvl 6
Hello guys!

Hoping to get some feedback and critique on my latest project. I'm working from this concept and building it in UE4. I'm specifically after any tips on how to achieve lighting closer to the concept, as this is only the second environment I've ever built in Unreal and lighting is not my strong point. Would really like to make this a heavy hitter for my portfolio! Still a WIP mind you, so much more work to be done!

Here's the concept (from the Witcher 3, if anyone knows the original artist please shout and I'll give credit!):

And here's my environment so far:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated, cheers!


  • Krypten22
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    Krypten22 polycounter lvl 6
    Been working some more on this today, I've remade the fire pit asset and added some coal to try and bring it to life a bit more!

    Here's a close up of the focal point

    The log stump to the right is actually fixed in the latest version, so disregard that.
    I think maybe it's too saturated at the moment and the lighting still feels off :neutral:
    Any feedback would be great!
  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    Great work! 

    Few things that I've noticed in your scene. 

    The second thing that caught my eyes after the pig is the web. To me, the web looks too white or bold. Normally it should be little darker and thinner web strings. Your web looks too thick from my perspective. 

    The red cloth in the back looks too saturated or bold to me. It probably should look less saturated as it is old and worn cloth like the concept art's clothes. 

    Another thing that I've noticed is that your wood stump or log(next to your pig) looks too geometric or straight. In the concept art, the wood stump has a slightly curved edge which is natural and realistic. 

    Maybe the wood box that holds coals and pig should be little darker because the color of the woods looks little similar to the floor.

    Maybe you can add softly lit point light next to pig on the left side because the light from the door should affect the pig as it looks little too dark. Plus you can add "god" ray by the door which was shown in the concept art unless if you want the door to be close. I just think that the light should softly lit down on the pig to emphasize it as the focal point.  Believe me, I understand that the lighting is very tough to make as I'm still struggling with it lol. 

    Overall, your project looks great. I really like your props and textures. Keep it up! :) 
  • Tetranome
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    Tetranome polycounter lvl 6
    Try add some cavity occlusion and highlights to the dents of your wood! It's a bit flat right now in the colour pass. Also the bolts are... also wood? Material separation would do a lot here :)

    Cool concept and piece, it's got a great atmosphere.
  • Krypten22
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    Krypten22 polycounter lvl 6
    @tythomas063 Thanks so much for the feedback man! Made the adjustments you suggested and it's certainly helped, think I need to take another look at the point lights in my scene though, adjust some intensity!

    @Tetranome Thanks for the feedback mate, gonna have another look at the textures on the pit and adjust them accordingly! I didn't actually notice the bolts wern't metal so I'll fix that asap!

    Here's another shot with the changes made:

    Thinking I might remove the torch to the far left as it's clipping slightly and draws the eye away from the focal point.

    (edit: forgot to include latest screenshot, duhh)
  • tythomas063
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    tythomas063 greentooth
    Looks so much better! The lighting is getting there. And I agree about the torch on the far left since it is drawing my eyes away from the focal point. Removing that torch will help a lot. Keep it up, man. 
  • Krypten22
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    Krypten22 polycounter lvl 6
    Removed the torch and placed a few more cobwebs around to break up some of the harder edges :)

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