Sorry for the subsequent posts, still fairly new to UE4 and am running into an issue with my landsacpe.
before everything was fine but now I notice whenever I rebuild the landscape shifts as such:

However once I select the landscape sculpting tool and just click on the landscape it all goes back to normal, like so: Anyone else experience this? it's annoying.
When I said nothing happened I meant with the targeted area I am showing in the above pics, the landscape that is away form the camera however is changing density as I adjust the LOD distance on it.
I'm just confused as to why there was no problems before and now all of a sudden the landscape is acting funky.
I really wish I was more well versed in the engine but that all comes with time as I run into these sort of issues.
Oh, and many thanks for trying to help me out on this. Your assistance is very much appreciated.
1. Your quality settings have dropped to a lower one due to being afk or compiling or something so now it shows less tessellation on landscapes. Make sure you are on max quality.
2. Go into wireframe view, and play with the "lod distance factor" parameter. Try to find a value that works.
To be honest, I have no idea about what could have happened to your landscape, so I'm just coming up with things that could possible fix it.
No more wierd geo