As part of uniting my own 'brand' I suppose, working on getting social media together so I actually have a few places where I'm active in an effort to push my own portfolio as I go forwards, I was wondering about names. Since names are generally pretty important.
I don't want to use my real name, because.. partly I want to stand out a bit, partly privacy, and partly the digital environment and nature of my work. Being on the internet, meshing with being an online presence, usernames and all that jazz.
Is there any reason not to have an 'Artist Name' as something for my twitter, artstation, polycount, and so on? I just like the idea of having my portfolio name and stuff mesh with the username I go by, the username for professional things, and something distinct beyond just a real name.
Hopefully that makes some sense, but I figured I'd ask opinions from people who might actually know from an industry perspective!
I'll also say that as far as using a username or whatever in an effort to "stand out", the artwork in your portfolio should stand out on its own. The only thing that matters is the quality of the work in your portfolio, no one is giving extra points for creative names at the top of the page.
hiding behind an online "name" like a gamertag or forum name (I know, I'm not using my real name here, I created this account 6+ years ago before i realized the importance of this, starting today I would 100% use my real name - actually I might get the admins to change it) doesn't work any more.
If you are an artist looking for work, using your real name for your artstation is a no brainer. HR will need it anyways for your resume, and it easier for them to go back and find your portfolio if they lose it, if they can remember your first name is jimmy they can search for the 10 jimmys on artstation vs having a hope in hell they remember how to spell your online handle of XXSmokesM4dBlunts420XX. Thats hyperbolic, but you get the idea.
crackrocksteady hit it on the head - your forum name isn't what they are going to remember, your artwork is. But atleast give them something they can kind of remember. having the forum tag of thebestgameartist doesnt necessarily make it true if your work doesnt back it up.
the upsides of building a personal brand around your name is, people from outside the community see you as more professional. If people know your name and you are good, chances are you can be seen as an authority in your field. Why do you think Gary V, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss etc build their brands around their name? when someone likes their message its easy to find their body of work, or reach out and invite them to speak at a conference, or find their products and give them money. You might not at that point yet, but 5 years down the road you might be. Think long term.
to get more meta and relevant, why do you think Dete. changed all his profiles to Daniel Thiger or Josh Lynch uses his name, and both are known within the game art community as "the substance gurus". they are building their personal brands to be seen as experts and making it easy for people to find them consistently and professionally. plus their audiences are more likely to see them as an actual person and be happy to give them money in exchange for their tutorials. Anthony Vaccaro, Tor Frick, Jonas Ronnegard, etc. the list goes on. Do what the winners are doing.
I can pretty much guarantee you the privacy concerns are the least of your worries and are far out shadowed by the opportunities and upsides of using your real name. It's more open, honest and authentic, traits that people value more and more in todays online world. Like i said, there is no more hiding its 2018, your artstation probably links back to your linkedin, so people can find out who you are with a couple clicks anyways. Thinking you can hide behind an online alias and maintain anonymity these days is laughable. especially if you want to be seen as an expert or authority in your field.
I have said this probably 100x over the last few months, but besides focusing on becoming a badass artist, the 2 most important things artists should be doing these days is building an audience, and building their personal brand.
I wouldn't worry about being identified if your objective is to get hired in meatspace, sooner or later in that process people will have to learn who you are. Keep your professional side sanitized and you won't have to worry about it. Avoid discussing controversial issues on your art accounts, save that for 4chan or whatever
I've used my real name ever since. Some people recognize the name, it doesn't happen a ton but it does matter.
I don't want feeble privacy attempts to get in the way of my career. As stated, way too easy for anyone who digs around to find the links.
If you're really interested in true online privacy, you have to work really hard to actually make it work. Like a dissident.
If you're online long enough, you will inadvertently leave breadcrumbs heading back to your professional sites. Better to be in the clear, up front.
My 2 cents.
I'm weary this may lead to intentional/unintentional discrimination since your quality of art should come first, rather than what your personal appearance is.
Im from a South East Asian country
Here, its common to include a picture of yourself as well as a number of very personal information in your resume.
And it can easily stretch our Resumes to 2-3 pages long if not careful.
I have beheld your face, and iz aight. I'd post imo.
I was lucky to join here just around the time where people were changing from nicknames to their real names, so I did the same.
Depends on what your goals are, but your name will be like a brand, and you want it to be remembered, and run with it forever.
I see some people that use nicknames kinda change them as time goes, and every time they do this they kinda start from 0.
As for privacy concerns, here in Japan I think they care more about privacy then anywhere in the world, but they also do the picture on resume etc. I have heard the privacy reason before, but you really need to get your priorities straight, it's a small thing compared to what you gain.
It's not the Name. People that worry about this are so confused. They worry about "brands." But their only "brand" is making comments.
You better do good work.
If you do bad work then i dont care what the Fuck your Name on the forum is.
If you do Good Work I dont care what your Name is either. But I do want to give you the Big Deals.
Do good work.
but nobody should worry about Getting Things Wrong from the start.
Mistakes lead to Learning.
You can change your Username in one PM... many have done this.
What you can't Change so easily, is your Portfolio of works.
Your Track Record sticks to you.
People need to focus on Good Work.
Only brand is Good Work.
Once you realize this fact you will be Constantly Swooping Mass Amounts of Work.
Most Guys have no Idea at All about this.
brand is a thing and being remembered can be very important especially in the "late game". Big companies and product brands doesn't just change their name because they feel they have such a great product and they will get the customers anyway, companies put in millions into just getting people to remember their name and the name itself has a value.
And all opportunities aren't just straight forward studio jobs, you never know what might come your way, the reality is that it's not always the best artist that gets the job, many reasons for that, but having a good internet presence and being known just from the name alone goes a long way, for example when I was looking for people to join my Substance masters set I would be more then happy to spend a couple of $100 extra on someone who is better known even if the skill is the same, maybe not the best example but there are tons of opportunities out there that might come your way that isn't you sending in a resume for a studio position.
As Racer said, "Only brand is good work" totally right, which is why it's not in your interest to reset the brand you have created for yourself with your good work.
Also this isn't really about you having to use your real name, for me it's more about sticking to one name, if you choose a nickname and stick with it forever I think that's totally fine, but you know we grow up and stuff changes and I think there is a bigger chance of someone changing their nickname rather then their real name.
But I think what Racer and Hilton hotel means is that "brands" etc is not a reason for not getting jobs. which is totally true, brands and name value etc is mostly something that starts to matter when you already have jobs coming in, meaning your work is already great, and your name/brand will help you even further.
I never spent One Dollar on my Brand... never will.
What I spend is Work... I do Great Work. Most never do this. Instead they try to "Brand" themselves.
It just doesnt happen.
But the People know an Amsterdam Hilton Hotel model.
And they know Racer445.
These are "Priceless Brands."
The only thing to do is Great Work.
I go to the Ocean Every day.
Mass Push Ups
Ocean Combat
Not enough try this.
Hehe yeah I'm not telling artists to spend money on their "brand" just that it's not worth nothing.
And your names are totally fine, and are a "brand" as long as you don't change it, that's my only point
My advice is that if you start from 0 I think it's better to go with your name since it has the smallest chance of changing, which I believe was the original question.
I think you might be misunderstanding what I think I am saying hehe, I blame my bad english on that, but in the whole I think we prioritize the same things.
One takes True Insight from all angles.
There are many Truths in this thread. Only Heavy Workers will extract the gems.
I think we have made a Great Work of this topic.
1) My name and surname are long together, but my name has a short form. Which form should I use then? (long: Malgorzata, short: Gosia)
2) I'm a girl and if I got married, my surname would change. Should I then change it on my portfolio and websites, or leave my maiden name? As you say when artist change their nickname they kinda "start from 0", it is different case but I still thought it's worth asking.