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Portfolio Advice - Can't get my first role

polycounter lvl 6
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stitchshift polycounter lvl 6
Hey Guys,

I'm sure you all get this a lot and I'm sure a lot of you like me really yearn to be in this business but never seem to be given a shot. I can accept it but I keep getting told different things so now I'm kind of lost, dazed, confused whatever you want to call it.

I went to a games recruiter recently (who still refuse to support graduate artists animators because of the lack of experience) who looked at my work for a games animation job to simply tell me I need walk cycles, attacks, etc.  That to me is character animation I kind of fired over a portfolio (https://stitchshift.myportfolio.com/) that brushed on multiple things (2D animation and motion graphics amongst them).

If my portfolio is not good enough then that's fine I'm gonna just have to keep working on it but I don't want to keep walking round the same dead ground over and over. I guess I just want a way in and want to know what kind of jobs I can apply for. If its not games animator (even though I have an animation degree) then what? I mean maybe I'm just not good enough and never will be.

Either way if its an unattainable dream then I may as well step away and just keep it as a hobby that ill do as and when. So I figured id ask you guys and if you have time to check out my portfolio and fire over some advice I really appreciate it. 

Apologies for the history lesson, I respect everyone on this board a hell of a lot and while I don't say much the work I see always intimidates me a little lol but I don't let it stop me from having my own fun.

Thanks in advance!


  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    I guess I just want a way in and want to know what kind of jobs I can apply for. If its not games animator (even though I have an animation degree) then what? I mean maybe I'm just not good enough and never will be.
    Don't think of Game Art as a vacuum. In fact, think of it like most other professional jobs. Someone who wants to be a doctor, engineer, scientist etc all have to take time out of their personal lives to study and practice really hard until they're good enough to actually be hired in the workplace.

    Game Art is no different. It's a real career that pays you to be apart of a professional product that is consumed by millions. Use that as motivation to work harder on your portfolio instead of worrying about whether you'll actually make it. 
  • stitchshift
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    stitchshift polycounter lvl 6
    Hey Jordan,

    Thanks for the feedback. Your probably right I just get frustrated. Appreciate you taking the time to reply to me, I hope I didn't come off as whiney or like a kid throwing his toys out of the pram when he doesn't get what he wants lol. I guess ill just keep chugging along do what I can when I can. 

    Appreciate the advice :)
  • defragger
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    defragger sublime tool
    Nothing against you, but 2D side scrollers are a bit 2008. Look at the games that are played today. Even the indie developers are doing full on 3D games.

    Move with the times!
    Or even better, be ahead of your time.

    I play games to adopt the perspectives and experiences I will never have in my lifetime. Will I ever be a fireman, arrest a criminal or save a princess? No, but I can experience a decent simulation through games.
    To be honest, this is completely the wrong attitude. You can be a firefighter or save a princess (daughter). Maybe you should take a bit more creative approach to life. Jeeze!
    a game should be fun and not a freakin decent Simulation.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Hey there @stitchshift did you see the links in the Career sticky at the top of this section? One of them links to the Portfolio page on our wiki. If you go there, there's info about what makes a good animator portfolio for games.

    Also, make a topic in the Animation Showcase section, if you haven't already, and seek feedback. Lots of game animators hang out there.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I would gather all your best animations into a reel, instead of having the  first landing page be these separated projects.  Once I realized you were a 2D animator, I wanted to  see a reel, not GIFs.
  • BrianShray
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    BrianShray polycounter lvl 4
    As Brian mentioned, best for you to cut a reel instead and showcase ONLY your best animations. Keep the cuts fast and interesting. 
    Right now, your site is doing you no favour, potential employers have to click through to multiple pages just for a couple of gifs on each page. 
    If 2D motion graphics and animation is what you want to be doing, then create a page specifically for that. Consider removing the 3D Reel.
    Have the one main Reel smack dab right in the first page and then you can have a seperate page that explains further about each project if you really want to.

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Can't get your first role? No, no, no. 

    Have not gotten your first role, yet. 

  • JordonBritz
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    JordonBritz polycounter lvl 7
    @BIGTIMEMASTER That's a really great way of looking at things!
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    hey man,
    If you want to be a games animator, your portfolio should literally be an embedded youtube video at the top of the page where people only have to click a single button to see your best work. Opening your portfolio I had no immediate context to your reel, animation skills or experience. I would also switch to using artstation where you can start to gather followers and get more exposure to your work.

    but the main thing holding you back is the lack of actual 3d relevant in game animation. You could download unreal and spend some time making some interesting character animations and stuff that is useful in games, like run cycles, slide into cover, shooting/reload animations etc. You just really need to SHOW exactly why the game studio should hire you, there should be zero to no hunting around your portfolio to figure that out. I recently wrote a 3k word article that could probably help you, its pretty relevant to your situation :) hope it helps!

  • stitchshift
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    stitchshift polycounter lvl 6
    Wow, thanks guys lots of very good advice.

    @defragger - Apologies I guess I still like sidescrollers lol
    @Eric Chadwick - Thanks Eric I will check that out now!
    @Brian "Panda" Choi  - Okay I will apply my time on a reel not separate things.
    @BrianShray - A second page, okay I will work on that now!
    @BIGTIMEMASTER - Haha, I hope your right buddy
    @JordanB12 - I know I will use that as my motivation going forward lol!
    @PixelMasher - Okay I will create an Artstation account, I will use your article as my bible.

    Thanks so much guys I will do my best to make you proud. So, I shouldn't invest much time in 2D - focus on 3D and make a reel of various animation. Cut in a fun and sleek way across a reel. I'm assuming the reel should be 2 mins in duration?

  • Alex_J
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    Alex_J grand marshal polycounter
    Don't assume anything! Find out what is the norm. Time spent researching is never wasted.

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