Hello guys!It's my first ever post on polycount (yay, celebrate with me!) so I'm really sorry if I placed it in a wrong thread.
[tl;dr : What programs should I learn at first, how to model, first learning basics of Maya, then thinking about UV/proper geometry/textures or everything at once? Any tutorials for recommendations? Advice for 3d artist wanna-be?]
Sooo basically! Recently I got into 3d modelling, I started with Maya. I was seeking in the internet what to use and also we have this program at the job and I asked for a licence so decision was kinda made by those 2 things combined. I am usually watching lots of videos on Youtube, browsing through various tutorials and just trying things myself, giving myself some challenges and trying to achieve them. I'm usually this kind of person that really wants to get everything at once cause it gets me really interested. I don't want to make a mistake that I start learning everything at once and I will learn this wrongly, so I decided I will first start modelling what comes to my mind just to learn what Maya offers, just you know, basic things like beveling, extruding etc etc. And then I start thinking more about proper geometry and my plan is now to keep doing this until I achieve pretty decent level of modelling most things I want and THEN move to textures and other stuff. And now I would like to ask for advice - do you think it's a good approach? Or is it actually better to start creating models since beginning till the end (model, proper geometry, uv mapping, textures, presentation)? My goal is to switch to 3d game artist one day so I would appreciate any advice you have to offer in connection with becoming one:). And thank you in advance for everything!
But I actually have decided to create a new topic because I encountered a problem I don't really understand. I was trying to create a sheet using Ncloth and Passive Colliders. I added Ncloth to sheet, collider to pillows/bed/frame and it worked fine but I wasn't happy about the final result so I decided to experiment a bit. I added some polygons between the sheet and the bed so when the sheet falls, it doesn't just lay evenly on the bed but has some imperfections. (is it actually a good idea, or there is another approach for this and I shouldn't be doing this?) Again, it was fine the second time. But when I did it for a third time it created black faces all over a sheet polygon. I know I could just simply go back to what I had, but I would like to understand WHY is this happening? I wasn't changing any options, just added those polygons underneath (sphere, pyramide, cube and long cylinders for making sheet roll) I noticed that black faces are on places where the polygon was touching another polygons. Maybe the answer is obvious for it but I couldn't find anything similar to my case. I tried reversing normals and unlocking them, it didn't have anything to do with it. Do you have any ideas?
Blue drawing are showing what polygons were under the sheet and where (more or less). Note that it actually didn't create black faces on touching
everywhere with the mattress which was also marked as Passive Collider.

Aaand setting I had on nucleus:


I can't remember if you can do double sided surfaces in Maya. If you can set it to two polar opposite colors and render again.