EDIT 2-19-2018
I figured I'd put a few result shots in the op.
Link to the project: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8Y0oR

I recently made a post on a piece of mine and got some good feedback. Now I'm going through the entire scene and making sure the level of secondary and tertiary details are adequate but not overdone. I also want to get more human readable shapes and objects (handles, buttons, latches etc) in strategic places.
Here's a shot of some new detail I'm working on:

Here's some areas I'm looking at:
1. The flat areas of the floor (without any trims) look empty, but i don't want to overload the space and i want to make sure any lines I create point the eye in the right directions.

2. I'm not entirely satisfied with the make-up of this wall. I'm thinking about redoing the entirety of it.

Any thoughts or ideas are welcome!
1. I made guiding lines to break up the larger plates on the floor and inserted height differentials here and there. I want to use the one crossing the divide as a small power conduit and hope to have some sort of cable incorporated into it.
2. Here I wanted to build up the stairs a bit and create some sort of apparatus on the curved wall that can emit light from behind it to lighten up one of the darker parts of the scene
3. Here I want to convey a small readout that monitors the flow of energy from the piping. I want to change the pipes into more energy conduits rather than a simple pipe as well.
So far I think I've finished the secondary details. My next step I'll need small finishing touches in a few areas.