So, I saw Ysalex's thread about this exact thing and I'm amazed on how he has progressed in 4 years (2012-2016) and it was such a confidence boost for me. And I wanted to show other people that if I can improve (hopefully lmao) they can too.
First, let me introduce myself. I'm Alex, 20 years old, and I started to take seriously the 3d world about one year and a half ago, but I've been modeling props for my own games probably for 4-5 years. Last year I joined a course and I learned a lot, but I'm in no way near of where I want to be. I aim to work as a Character Artist in the videogame industry. Let's hope I don't forget about the thread and to actually update with new content.
Also, critique/feedback or even paintovers are highly appreciated. See you around!
So, let's start cleaning dust from old models I made for last year's course. This was the first model we made. I was extremely proud of this when I finished it but know I see how bad it is... (Sorry about the quality, these screeshots are directly downloaded from twitter). Yeah, I know, she doesn't even have a nose bridge and yeah... red wax.
This is the second model I made for last year for my final animation project. I also rigged her and made her a blendshape-based face rig. The improvement on the face is so noticeable from the first one, but the body is much more improveable.
And this is what I'm currently working on, a Millie Bobby Brown's likeness sculpt. You may recognize her from her role in Stranger Things as Eleven. The idea is to leave this being game ready and render in UE4. I'd love to get some ops on this
So! I modified a bit the face. LilyNion from the Polycount Discord made a paintover for the Eyebrow part and pointed out the lips need some work. Will fix when I get home. I also made a quick block out patterning of her typical dress on Marvelous!
I found this awesome concepts of chibi characters from Overwatch and wanted to make some to practice not only my anatomy but my zbrush skills. So I made this quick basemesh yesterday night and this morning and I'll probably start making chibi Tracer or D.Va Arms probably need a bit more of work
Lil Update. Went back from the merged to the body split into pieces to fix some things. I think it's better now. I still have to fix the arms when I merge them back together.
Basemesh for the hair blocked out, as well as the fringe, Forearms' pieces still to be fixed but the basemesh is done aswell. I'll probably redo the legs sidepieces.
So! I've started to work in a company till June as a "taste" of the real world in an unpaid Modeler position (this is a common thing when finishing the studies here in Spain, idk about the rest of the world lol). Got so little time after coming home @ 7pm everyday. Big update on Lena here! Gloves are finished, legs are almost done aswell (only the wire passing through the little square thingies in the side of her legs and biggest parts missing are hair, back piece and armplates. I'd love to get some feedback/crits. Thank you!
Unfortunately I've "parked" my chibi Tracer as an advice of my internship boss (YAS! I'm working 8h a day modelling 3d stuff He's trying to see if it's profitable to make commissions for custom characters for VRChat) to take rests after work when I get home instead of keeping sculpting. This is where I left her at. I still plan to finish this piece: The good thing is that in about a week and with daily practice I've managed to sculpt this lil' cutie. I definitely see a lot of improvement from the first basemesh I put here on the first post! Definitely lots of things that could be improved but very happy overall! Lemme know what you think!
Keep listening to your boss and you be good little working bee in no time Maybe ask him when will be a good time to learn and practice , at 40 maybe
He said in a week or two, when I adapt to the working rythm and do actually have energy to keep working on my stuff, because when I get home I am drained, as I am used since I was little (like everyone) to 6 hours of school everyday instead of 8. Thanks for your "feedback". Pfft.
Hey guys! Coming back from this lil break! Almost a month, wow time flies! I need some help with her profile. As Rylan from the Discord Polycount chat said, I like how she looks in the front view but not so much on the side, do you know why? I think it's the whole nose-lips-chin area in relation to the eyes and forehead, because they look OK by themselves. Maybe the eyes are too big? Any idea? Any feedback is welcome!
Woah, I left this so long ago, almost a month! I've been gravitating towards the realistic style more so there are a few angles on my 2nd self-portrait ever. This was done in two days, 4-5 hours each session. Tomorrow it's retopo time! After I might either polypaint or use Texturing XYZ alphas. We'll see! I plan to leave this game ready, rendeing in Unreal. (I've actually fixed the eye separation because in this screenshot it was too wide, the screenshot is from half an hour ago and I don't wanna open Zbrush again to take a pic)
I've been progressing since the last message, I just forgot to keep updating. I've done some research on skin shaders and albedo painting. This here is without any texture projection, just alphas and substance for the albedo, translucency, roughness and stuff. I know there is a lot to improve like the albedo, and the sculpting in general of the features of the face. I'm a really puffy person (yes, I'm a fatty atm, whatever) so my facial features aren't that prominent, but I should really try to make some of them pop more, it feels too smooth. The hair and eyebrows are placeholders till I finish the hair. Comparing this to the same Self-Portrait from a year and a half ago the improvement is really noticeable.
I'd love to get some ops on this
LilyNion from the Polycount Discord made a paintover for the Eyebrow part and pointed out the lips need some work. Will fix when I get home.
I also made a quick block out patterning of her typical dress on Marvelous!
Unfortunately I don't have the time rn as I'm with my finals, but once I finish them I'll continue with Millie :P
Arms probably need a bit more of work
Can I get some ops?
Lil Update. Went back from the merged to the body split into pieces to fix some things. I think it's better now. I still have to fix the arms when I merge them back together.
Basemesh for the hair blocked out, as well as the fringe, Forearms' pieces still to be fixed but the basemesh is done aswell. I'll probably redo the legs sidepieces.
Big update on Lena here! Gloves are finished, legs are almost done aswell (only the wire passing through the little square thingies in the side of her legs and biggest parts missing are hair, back piece and armplates. I'd love to get some feedback/crits.
Thank you!
The good thing is that in about a week and with daily practice I've managed to sculpt this lil' cutie. I definitely see a lot of improvement from the first basemesh I put here on the first post! Definitely lots of things that could be improved but very happy overall! Lemme know what you think!
Maybe ask him when will be a good time to learn and practice , at 40 maybe
I know there is a lot to improve like the albedo, and the sculpting in general of the features of the face. I'm a really puffy person (yes, I'm a fatty atm, whatever) so my facial features aren't that prominent, but I should really try to make some of them pop more, it feels too smooth. The hair and eyebrows are placeholders till I finish the hair.
Comparing this to the same Self-Portrait from a year and a half ago the improvement is really noticeable.