Hi guys, I'm having trouble utilizing color id masking for handpainted textures.
They work fine for smart materials, but if I try to use any paint layers I run into a bit of trouble.
So far it:
1) Masks properly, but after painting some more all of the albedo disappears after leaving painting mode.
2) Doesn't mask to color id.
Am I doing something wrong?

^I know it doesn't mask while in paint mode, I just couldn't get it to mask properly at all anymore for a screen capture. :v


1. Close Photoshop and the Suite.
2. Right click on Photoshop, choose Run As Administrator. This only needs to be done once, and does not need to be set to permanent administrator access.
3. Close Photoshop.
4. Run the Suite. If the issue persists, continue:
5. Close Photoshop and the Suite.
6. Right click on the Suite, choose Run As Administrator. This only needs to be done once, and does not need to be set to permanent administrator access.
For masking, try putting the paint layer into a folder with DDO, then mask the folder to the area you want to keep the paint localized to.