I started this scene for the Artstation Beneath the waves challenge but I couldn't finish on time, family and work got in the way in December and then starting the year I was sick for over a week and after that I had to work on an art test for a job at a game studio that I ended up not getting

, but since I don't like to leave things on finish I will try to keep on working on this scene and finish it because I really liked the style and idea of the concept.
I wanted to focus on stylized textures with substance designer and texturing the whole scene with tileable textures to make it stand apart from other scenes from my portfolio.
Inspired by the amazing concept art by
Constant Le Gall .

3ds max models:

vray blockouts in 3ds max:

Some underwater stylized substances:

setting up the scene and testing the different substances and basic lighting inside UE4:

Progress has been a little slow but I'm going to try a spend more time with this scene starting today. I might give those rock formations a quick zbrush pass tomorrow.
I also added some more lights on the flowers and tweaked their material in substance to get better detail on their surface. I'm starting to like the overall composition and flow of shapes on the scene a lot more, I still need to balance the textures on the building, some look too dark (might add some more spotlights like with the flowers) and others look too clean and bright to be underwater.
Also added some paralax occlusion to the ground material, I feel like it looks alittle bit to bright and needs some more contrast.
As for the lights overall including on the building, I think it needs some volumetric light/fog considering the scene is under the water. Little of the bloom might help with that too.
Something like this is what I'm talking about:
Other than that, I absolutely love what you did with the color overall. The props, buildings, grass/coral reef, red pod, and sand looks super amazing. Can't wait to see it done!