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[WIP][UE4] Gas station

polycounter lvl 3
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filipblom polycounter lvl 3
Hey! Started working on a gas station recently and thought it would be cool to share my progress while I get some feedback and critique on my work :)


  • FreneticPonies
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    FreneticPonies polycounter lvl 3
    Solid progress, but what's with the odd materials, sheet metal roof, weird exterior on the station main. Even the placeholder gas pumps look weird. Feels original at least, like a truly alternate reality instead of just "but what if Hitler won?" and then everything looks exactly the same except there's swastikas everywhere.
  • filipblom
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    filipblom polycounter lvl 3
    Solid progress, but what's with the odd materials, sheet metal roof, weird exterior on the station main. Even the placeholder gas pumps look weird. Feels original at least, like a truly alternate reality instead of just "but what if Hitler won?" and then everything looks exactly the same except there's swastikas everywhere.
    Thanks. I was fooling around in substance for the first time. Maybe the roof material doesn't really fit the scene.
  • filipblom
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    filipblom polycounter lvl 3
    - Added mountains and a fence to the background.
    - Changed the tiling on the pump stations ceiling. Also did put out some lamps.
    - Changed font on the shell text.
    - Created new awnings and played around with the materials.
    - Added numbers to the pumps.
    - Added oil stains and tire marks on the ground.
    - Made som tweaks to existing textures.

  • Klawd
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    Klawd polycounter lvl 8
    Looking great so far!
  • filipblom
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    filipblom polycounter lvl 3
    Had some trouble with my decal atlas showing a thin white line at the edge of each decal. Apprently having frac after add instead of after TexCoord solved it. So now I'm starting to place stickers and graffiti in my scene. And btw, does it look like my dumpster has scale issues?

    Here is my simple master material for my decals.

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