Finished! Check out the full breakdown here: everybody,
I'm recreating Bombate's room from Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus in UE4 with a focus on modularity. My goal is that once I'm done, I'll have a neat kit that I can then use to build out some other environments with. Ideally once completed I'll have some good experience thinking technically about the pieces I'm making and their reusability.
I chose this piece because I've got a major crush on all the artists over at Machinegames, and I thought this room had a cool mix between industrial hard-surface stuff and cozy home furniture.
This is the room I'll be remaking: ( ('s my progress so far:

Tanks and Large Pipe kit

Small Pipe kit and some stick ons

Wall pieces, door, and ceiling tile

So far I've focused only on the industrial assets. Now that most of those are modeled out, I'll begin on the furniture/props.
Bonus fly-through GIF: love some feedback on my progress so far. If you think anything looks janky, or think of a better way to go about doing something, please let me know! If you think anything looks cool, also let me know! All manner of feedback is welcome.
Minor thing but this pipe is not flush with the wall in your references
Good catch! Thanks so much!
Scooted some stuff over a bit and I think this works better.
Additionally, I discovered Marvelous Designer recently, so have been having a lot of fun with that. Tried using it for cloth stuff in the scene. Let me know what you guys think.
I started on the cushions and am taking it into zBrush to tackle the wooden finishings, but plopped it in scene to check size. The arms will not look like that in the end.
All this stuff has yet to be baked down, so some things are still either too highpoly, or lacking detail. A lot of the bolts and stuff I'll be adding during the texturing phase, so the weird difference between highpoly things and the bland walls and other lowpoly stuff isn't a huge deal at the moment.
Moving onto texturing next week! Excited to share with you guys.
I baked down a wire decal kit for my scene! Proud of this one. I think I could go back and remove a lot of the dead-space on the panels but overall I'm pretty happy with how this turned out. Would love to hear your inputs on ways to improve it for the future.
Also, about 2/3rd done with the initial texture pass. Lots of tweaking to do on some of these textures. Still not happy with the pipe and chair textures, but generally feeling like it's starting to come together!
Would love some input on what to tweak, as well as lighting ideas. Haven't done a big lighting pass yet, (waiting until all the textures are in) but I think that's going to change things drastically.
Here's a look at the other, much less interesting side. You can tell which camera bookmark I've been favoring... Textures coming to this side sometime this week. Will update soon!
360 GIF of current progress, gives a good scale of how everything fits together. Please excuse the quality:
And here's an update on how my kit is looking:
Main changes so far include addition of the wire-kit, rehaul on how the wall panels are set up, and some small props. Currently have a total of 95 unique assets, but this is counting each part of the pipe and wire kits. Not including those it's about 73 major props and pieces.
I have about 22 assets still needing a first texture pass, and I also need to create an atlas/kit for the loose papers, photos, and decals spread around the room. Main point is, I'm over the hump!
Soon as these props are finished I can focus on polishing some of the weaker textures and getting the lighting situation sorted out.
Some more prop love
Normally in an environment I wouldn't spend as much time texturing smaller stuff like this that doesn't play a huge role in the main shots, but since I'm focusing on this environment as a modular kit, every prop needs to be able to stand alone as a centerpiece. I can't know what props will be main focus in the environments that I kit out once I'm done with this one.
Still several props to finish, but I decided to go ahead and do my first real lighting pass. Still not where I want it for final lighting, but this has helped a lot in polishing up some of the initial texture passes I did, and is helping me see how this scene will come together.
In-game View:
Thanks everybody for following along!
Please check out the full set of renders and breakdowns here:
If you have any questions about the breakdown or anything else, feel free to ask me here!
almost has the quality of the main game and it really looks like an actual room where someone lives in
how much time did you spend creating it ?
And thanks, @AlirezaMorgan I spent a lot of time trying to fit the Wolf II style with props. Project was about 10 weeks in total. Working a few days throughout each week.