Have you got any methods for real time realistic or stylized hair and fur that you can share or have knowledge about. Also any techniques for physics influenced hair in Unity, UE4, Lumberyard and so on.
Here are some examples
Fast Way to Create Polygon Hair for Character in Maya
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BpsKycybUw ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
NeoFur (I know, they stopped development in 4.6, I am crying as well, this was so good! just thought I would share what was an amazing tool)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IZdSIP2z3k ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Adam Skutt -
I did find a copy of it but it's on UE 4.11. And I can't right click in that version for osme reasons.
I'd really like to see how they get the motion going it's a custom shader it seems.
Unless they did the impossible there's no way that's a viable option in an actual game
Also have you looked into strand-based rendering and physics simulation for photo-realistic digital hair?