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Flipping normal maps' green channel in Maya

polycounter lvl 10
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zombie420 polycounter lvl 10
As the topic suggests, I have some normal maps but I'd like to flip the green channel using the Stingray shader


  • TTools
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    TTools polycounter lvl 4
    I think there may be an easier way to achieve what you want without having to modify your shading network.  In the Maya preferences, under Modeling, you can change maya's polygon tangent space to be right handed or left handed.  I believe that translates into Y down and Y up respectively.
    Unless Stingray doesn't honor those settings, I think it should allow you to use "inverted" normal maps (Y-up like 3ds max).
    I'll be curious to know if it works for you.
    Best of luck!  :)

  • zombie420
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    zombie420 polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks @TTools. Honestly I was trying to save time while I was working on an art test, but there didn't seem to be a quick fix in Maya and I didn't want to change the whole project in Substance, so I just copied all my normal maps, flipped the green channel and saved a duplicate with "_OpenGL". It's my fault for not asking the studio to specify how they want their normals, but it doesn't hurt to have both OpenGL and DirectX normals available to them.

    Regardless, I immediately deleted Maya after I turned in the project because I hate it. But thanks for the suggestions, I'll certainly keep this tucked away for future reference in case another employer wants a Maya file submitted.
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    You can also set the handedness on a per-object basis in Maya in case you occasionally run across a normal map that is the opposite of your master settings, or you are for some reason dealing with both map types at once.

  • alibaba17
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    alibaba17 polycounter lvl 5
    You can go to the texture map node and change the Color Gain= -1, Color Offset= 1
  • poopipe
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    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    I'm pretty confident there's a flip green tick box within the ShaderFX graph of stingray materials so you don't have to perform silly hacks

    It's probably on the normal texture sampler 
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