Just a personal project. The sig mpx. Hope you like it. The main texture will be 8K and other attachment might be around 4K or 2K. The project will focus
more on quality instead of in-game performance.
The first highpoly renders. Magazine still lowpoly. 

Hope you guys like it. Thanks for checking it out!
I've seen this method:
I haven't been able to try that out yet, but will later today. I am just not sure if this method will work on something that is not cylindrical.
Any tips?
About UV unwrapping. The tip I can give you is when unwrapping curvy shapes, always try to have it straight horizontal or vertical. This will reduce pixel stepping in textures.
Back when I was using Maya, that's basically the workflow for unwrapping those type of shapes. Right now, my main 3d package is 3dsMax. For this software, I usually would use the toolkit like Straighten Selection and combination with Align Vert/Horiz to Pivot if needed.
Thanks for dropping by and good luck on your project!
What I like
-I think the base materials looks quite nice. It's nothing fancy. It basically consists of semi rusted steel and dust/dirt.
-The way materials reflect the lights, it looks wet and shiny. I think looks interesting, because it's exaggerating the shadows which creating depth. This definitely something I'm very of proud.
-Getting the magazine to look transparent/clouded was very tricky. It doesn't look quite right yet so I'll be sure to do more adjusting.
The UGLY thing that needs to go: XD
-I think the big white scratch needs to go. The placement doesn't seem right. The idea is to have some heavy damage to body area.
-strap material looks a bit boring.
-edge wear.
-Need some easter egg.
Hope you guys like it! btw, the renders are 4K.
The edge wear is a good start, the small scale details are nice but there is little variation in the materials right now, nearly all edge wear is in small scale thin lines and too much/even at places, try to add more large scale variation, maybe a slight bit of color variation and more in roughness. It looks a bit like a typical substance wear and tear job right now, especially from further away
some places have wear which would probably have little wear, and some obvious ones, like the cylinders lack it, or where you touch with your fingers . Adding a little color variation to the metal and the rubber/mag also helps distinguish the materials, right now its all very even
Thats probably too much but its to illustrate what I mean
texture wise - you are getting there. But think a bit more about placement of scratches and what materials you are working with. Follow the PBR guides and don't add scratches in concave areas. Also: Sometimes less is more