Hey there polycount, I'm hoping you can help me out.
I've been working in the toy industry since 2014 and I'm looking to transition into the games industry. I've applied to several places in Austin, where I'm moving, and no luck yet. My portfolio, whether it's lack of breakdowns or simply quality of the pieces is bad, is causing me to really question how I'm approaching my work or what I'm doing wrong. I'm looking to get into stylized work as well.
Here's my portfolio :
https://www.ryanchapmanart.com/Just let me have it and I'll work on improving. I also have some newish work I'm doing that I'm not even sure I should be continuing until I get some more feedback.
just a few thoughts... I hope you dont get me wrong. I dont want to be rude, just honest.
- The first thing I see is NOT game art
- the second thing I see is actual gameart - actually your best work in my opinion
- then again, no gameart..atleast it doesnt look like that
- next, game art but imho less appealing as the first game art - your portfolio is only as strong as your weakest piece
- and no gameart again
what i am trying to say is: If you apply for a character artist position in games - immediately make clear you ARE a character artist for games. Show me right away when I open your portfolio. Show me characters, wireframes, textures.
If I was you, I would:
- completely switch to artstation (nobody likes wix :P )
- delete everything except the Carla piece
- work on another realtime-character
again, just my humble opinion. Keep going man
One thing to make clear: I didn't suggest to delete everything!
A portfolio is there to show the best work you can do at the moment. Since I think the Carla piece is your strongest work (as said above), and the rest is dragging down your portfolio imho, I suggested to give the Carla piece the space it deserves in your portfolio.
just keep going! and don't forget to try seeing your portfolio from a recruiters perspective
ps. I should have phrased "delete everything" different than I did... reading it 2 days later, i think it sounds too harsh and could read different than intended. It was more meant like a "try to give your best piece the space it deserves and consider retiring the rest" sorry!