I am genuinely curious.
I have heard about World Composer or World Machine and then putting these maps through UE4 World Composition to make a map but none of these tools from what I have seen are good methods of creating a map like the one in Skyrim.
These tools can make realistic looking height maps but most games resort to "squished in" approach because most gamers dont want to actually hike for 30 minutes a hill to reach somewhere interesting.
If someone wants to make a map similar to Skyrim's map styles for progression what do they need to do? What tools are available to make it possible and how many people are needed? On UE4 the only "indie" style games that approach that are Conan Exiles and Ark Survival's maps... if so how did they do it? How many people can we reckon they used to make that map?
The terrain works for a game like PUBG because its just a battle royal with many players.
But a level design for a game like skyrim is a completely different beast. The compact level design makes a believable map but everything is close to each other so the player doesn't need to hike for 20 minutes to reach the top of the hill.
Instead in those 20 minutes they could come across dozens of paths, rivers, streams, ravines and probably hike through a mountain too.
I tried using photoshop but what appears nice in photoshop appears like jagged hellscape on UE4. So instead I made a general outline and trying to "draw" on a overall design of the map and figure out how to recreate it on World Machine.
However I doubt I would be too successful, I just can't seem to find an alternative besides sitting down 3 dozen people behind a computer and give them a year to painstakingly make every path, ravine, stream, river and etc...
Which is obviously not an option so I have to wonder... what can I possibly do?
Personally I like having more control that way anyways should design elements conflict or change on the fly.
But yes, as to 3 dozen people sitting down behind computers, creating a map like Skyrim took a team of people years to make so creating something similar would defiantly be a huge undertaking.
Not impossible, but it will take time and painstaking effort.