Hey everybody, I recently started a new environment where I want to coalesce all I have learned over the past year of self studying. Trying to blend an interesting story, great lighting (which I learned from enormous amounts of Arch Viz tutorials and forums), better materials than ever before, etc.
The story behind the piece is that only the lucky few (or richest) got to move to the floating cities in the sky when everything on the land turned to shit. With incredible self-sustainability they try to ignore the lands below them as much as possible. The only connection they have to the world down below are their enormous garbage shafts. Where they dump everything they can't renew or which has been broken to the limit.
In the shadows of these floating cities, surrounding the huge garbage pipelines, small settlements have started to form trying to survive on the waste of those up above.
For inspiration I looked at complete makeshift houses and favellas. Such as these.

Fromt the start I had been playing to make it very modular again and from only a single angle. So I could achieve as much detail as possible and simply imply detail everywhere else. I wanted to be able to make it a scene with a few animations in that you could simply keep staring at.
After having a rough idea of how it would look I started adding in some quickly made blockout props.
In the give above you can see an example of this.
At this point I felt that the base idea of the scene was alright but some parts really needed to be rethought and it was at that point that I found these incredibly ref pieces.
Instead of having this pipeline stop at the edge of the village where everything spills out, it would make much more sense and be more interesting to see this run through the whole village with parts that are broken where villages collect garbage from that they can re-use.
Of course this is still a rough idea and will need some adjustements, so I might need to overhaul the whole scene, but I think this will work much better than before. I can also get A LOT of prop and material inspiration out of just those two images.