Welcome to the Bi-Monthly Character Art Challenge!
New concepts will be chosen at the start of April
Previous Challenge Thread How it works
- Every new challenge, 3 Character Concepts will be provided
- Pick one concept to work on for the duration of the challenge and post your progress here!
- Complete a 3D game res model of your chosen concept
- Help other artists grow! When you post an update, also leave a critique for someone else. Share knowledge you have learned
- There are no software restrictions; you're welcome to
use as little, or as many different software packages as you like.
- There
are no polygon or texture restrictions, it can be a 3,000 triangle hand
painted model or a 100,000 triangle current gen model. Just make sure
the final result is a game model, not a sculpt!
- You are welcome to cross post on different sites (Artstation, Facebook, etc.) for additional feedback
- Before
starting your character, break down the concept and plan your work
accordingly. Being able to effectively estimate how long it will take to
complete a project is an important skill, especially for freelance
- Your final presentation should be posed and rendered in any real time engine. (Marmoset, UE4, Unity, etc.)
- Don't
be afraid to ask questions, but don't hesitate to find the answer on
your own - chances are, the answer to your problem has already been
answered within these forums
- If you feel anything should be modified or added to these guidelines, please let me know!
Please credit and link to the artists when posting on other sites!
Flamer by Egor Zharkov
How concepts are chosen:- Trying to keep it consistently one male character, one female and one other non-human (robot, creature, humanoid, etc)
- Trying to keep the 3 concepts look like they are part of a theme or could fit in similar universe.
- Concepts
must be full body and clearly drawn. There shouldn't be a lot of
guesswork on what the details or proportions are. Turnarounds are a good
thing to have, but not required
- Concepts shouldn't be too
complex or too simple to allow people to get them done in the time-frame
while also finding something interesting and giving a challenge.
- Must
be able to link back to the original source artist to they can be
properly credited, places like Pinterest can lead to link rot. If I
cannot find the source or original artist, the art will not be used
- If
you are a concept artist and want your concept removed or want to
create a concept for a future challenge please feel free to contact me.
- If you have any suggestions of themes you would like to see in the future, send me a message!
I really dig this one as well! The sleeve shape you have sketched probably won't pan out. Shapes like that will usually gather a bunch at the underarm area, but i guess it all depends on how it''s attached to the torso.
I've been looking for real life suits that are close to this and this is pretty much all i can find so far:
Edit: Adding some more refs https://gizmodo.com/rain-jackets-explained-1711511848
hope that helps!
I'm figuring out how to sculpt her clothes atm.
Marvelous clothing you have there! I'm curious, how did you insert the belt geometry after building the cloth without it going all haywire when you simulate? cheers
@bkost I followed some instruction from Marlon R. Nuñezs' webinar on Marvelous Designer. He uses two meshes, <initial> and <exploded> versions, then simulates a blendshape animation between them in Marvelous Designer. Here's what my meshes look like:
<exploded> mesh
<initial> mesh
the simulation was still a little erratic when I first tried this, but giving a little extra buffer room between the <initial> belt and the body meshes seemed to fix it. Just enough to allow the fabric to simulate while still maintaining the required friction.
your marvelous work is amazing! I liked the tutorial you linked, I will def use that in the future
I threw together some renders for my update this week. I still haven't moved on from the clothes because I'm not happy with how they look yet. Hoping I have enough time to finish the clothes by the end of the month.
I think it's better late than never! I joined this one very late.... It's my first time when i am participating in this kind of contest ... Probably i should wait for next one, but I said this in last few aswell..... I choose flamer. Ok. So here is my quick and early blockout - some parts already are missing.
HP model looks like this at the moment:
On picture this robot looks pretty simple. In the end he makes me a few problems or I am over-thinking it...
The biggest problem for me were his joints. I wasn't sure if i should and some extra parts to make it looks a bit normal or leave some parts flying in the air next to each other without any normal connections.
For example arm joints. I can see how the main joint is build but i can't see how connection between it and torso look like. That one was simple in the end. I think that it was ok to made it like this and its still look like in the concept. Bigger problem is with elbow or knee joints. I made some connection there so far but I am still not sure how it will look in end.
Ok.... Now I am ready for your advices and critique.
Hi. This is my entry for the challenge
@braingraft Nice model! It's not often a really low poly model is done for the challenge, it turned out great!
A new challenge is up! Just a reminder you all can keep working on your models and it is highly encouraged that you do so. You can either continue to post here or make a new thread, this thread will just no longer be stickied
Edit: there's some updates i'm gong to make on proportions tonight. just looked at it again today through fresh eyes and noticed his head is too large and legs too short XD
It's almost been a year and I'm stoked to work on new projects
your challenges is so cool.