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stylized character piece for my portfolio, please give some feedback

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rarebeef null
Hello ,
I'm preparing to start my career as a 3d character artist, and this is the most recent piece of my portfolio .(she;s Lunara from heroes of storm )
so far I'm not getting much chance for interview, so I came to ask some critiques to do better on the next piece . thank you.


  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    At a glance,
    • There's a lot of purple, it makes the complex armor and anatomy hard to separate.
    • There's so bake issues on some of the armor and blade.

    Suggestion would be to do a hue shift  the Dryads skin.
    I think a lot of the triangle count could be reduced heavily and areas like the breastplate probably integrated into the rest of the mesh. Having it be two separate pieces is faceting those nice sweeping details.

    The high poly looks super nice and readable, I'm not an expert on anatomy but there are some things that feel strange but I don't know exactly what.

  • JunkieKong
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    JunkieKong interpolator
    This is a nice piece! I also agree about the skin and armour colour being too close, making it hard to read.
    I have another suggestion for a quick improvement - if you want her to have glowing eyes, really make em glowy! Atm they just look kind of unlit which sits weirdly with the rest of the face.

    I think cheesing it in photoshop with colour dodge/screen layers is fine.
  • rarebeef
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    rarebeef null
    thanks! I agree there are exceed amount of purple, I'm going to make her skin more flesh like. 
    topology is still the most challenging one for me ... is 15k polys that big for this type of character ? is it supposed to be around 10k polys maybe?
    btw I didn't really understand where are the bake issues you are talking about. is this kind a shadow problem ? 

    thanks , that change definitely gives her better look ! actually I already used emissive map for her eyes and stuffs but I was too cautious to make them super glowy like this lol
  • Alakfrost
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    Alakfrost greentooth
    Too high poly-count. Try to optimize. Lunara from hots has 10482 polygons with weapon. And textures need more details, and noises, they looks simple and poor now. 
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    rarebeef said:

    topology is still the most challenging one for me ... is 15k polys that big for this type of character ? is it supposed to be around 10k polys maybe?
    btw I didn't really understand where are the bake issues you are talking about. is this kind a shadow problem ? 

    Here's a couple of areas that seem like they're shading incorrectly.

    Quick rule of thumb for topology, it should contribute to the silhouette. With characters deformation plays another factor. If it's not contributing to either of those things. It's probably a safe bet that you can remove the geometry. 

    In Maya I like to hit the 7 key to enable lighting and disable the mesh wireframe. This allows me to look only at the models silhouette. a flat shaded black material will do the same thing. From here you can just start chopping away geo and seeing how much it affects the silhouette from the intended viewing angle.
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    Looks great. My concern is the long fabric you have in front of her legs. In the sculpt it looks great but when you start thinking animation is impractical and it also doesn't help your silhouette. 
    Regarding color palette, you should consider adding a contrasting color to give some accents and enhance how your character reads. Like someone posted before. It's too much purple.

    Cheers and good work!
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