I have this barrel. You can see it's 300k heavy. I aim to have 2 versions of it. One lower LOD for a far view and one high Lod when it flips over and stuff spills out of it. I
dont know how to UV it at all. These 60 bolts.. you dont uv them one by
one right? Theres this method where you uv one and array copy the UV on
each. How does that work in 3ds max? How do you UV the different
planks around it? One by one? Substance takes curvature maps. So
theoretically it would make sense. But then theres also cylindrical
mapping/triplanar which would get the outter faces that are required for
my texture. (which might be bad so I'd go substance) Also,
if you get a close view of the barrel.. what would you do in this case?
Keep it this way and add 8k displacement textures on everything, or
would you bake it down to 100k so it's getting displaced??
The planks are just glorified, bent, rectangular prisms. I recommend planar mapping, separating the UV edges along each hard edge plane break.
If I get that close to the barrel, just have a good normal map. A displacement map here would make minimal difference to outstrip the power a good normal map will have.
But for the sake of learning efficiency, this should take more than 10k triangles.
There should be a way to copy UVs in Max to other objects with the same topology:
The planks are just glorified, bent, rectangular prisms. I recommend planar mapping, separating the UV edges along each hard edge plane break.
If I get that close to the barrel, just have a good normal map. A displacement map here would make minimal difference to outstrip the power a good normal map will have.