More progress on the block in. Kinda stumped on how to approach the armor and ruffles, though. I'm guessing zSphere are the best way to tackle it? How would you guys do it?
First things first, breasts are weird. I know she is busty and heavy chested, but they are way to far away from the chest. The front view looks pretty good, side is off. You can probably up the subD levels for the fur and push the geometry really hard. Might want to look into a hair system for it. I personally would take would you have done for the ruffles, duplicate the geometry and add another layer. You have a good start.
Thanks, Skinner. I felt a lot of the anatomy was pretty unconvincing so I pulled up some reference to get things going in the right direction. The body was definitely lacking a sense of weight. Still needs to be pushed,honestl
You can probably up the subD levels for the fur and push the geometry really hard. Might want to look into a hair system for it.
I personally would take would you have done for the ruffles, duplicate the geometry and add another layer. You have a good start.