Hello to one and all viewing this thread...
As this is going to be more of a personalized thread, i feel introduction about myself is essential.
I'm Loghesh, an Electrical Engineer brought up in India. My goals as far as career is concerned, dramatically changed during my college days when i started to make Rom hacks for Pokemon games. Up until then i never had thought about making games as a fully pledged career option from there on there has been no looking back. I delved into programming side by hands on trying out Unity. Later i got fed up with just the sheer amount of knowledge i have to gain in order to become a professional. At that instant I realized that being good at making art(basic traditional art) is a key skill i possess. Therefore I started improving my art skills,especially 2d pixel art. The time came in 2017, where i had to take a decision as far as what career path i need to join. With a job in Electrical Engineering,most of the people surrounding me suggested to take up the job. But i felt really shallow about leaving my passion abrupt. So I've decided to give myself time to improve my 3d modelling skills and hopefully in the future I might end up doing the job i love to do
TL.DR: I'm a fellow aspirant aiming to land my foot on the game industry (Environmental Modelling being my niche) and my journey begins here also I hope this thread motivates me to do what I love doing the most
This is the very first model i have created in 3ds max using reference images. It is a compact Generator model and i just used box modelling techniques. Have to say, 3ds max feels so comfortable than blender(not degrading it)
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