I'm trying to learn how to use xgen and it seems i'm unable to generate functional maps. I keep getting errors like this:
// Error: XGen: Searched path includes:
/Users/adamphillips/Pictures/maya leaning projects/FARMER_JOHN_BEAUTIFUL_GAME/xgen/collections/collection/description/paintmaps/Region/untitled/bust_skin.ptx (Part of path doesn't exist)
/Users/adamphillips/xgen/description/paintmaps/Region/untitled/bust_skin.ptx (Part of path doesn't exist)
/Applications/Autodesk/maya2016/plug-ins/xgen/presets/description/paintmaps/Region/untitled/bust_skin.ptx (Part of path doesn't exist) //
For some reason 'untitled' keeps being generated as part of the directory path but the folder itself ddoes not exist. I also keep getting an error where xgen does not generate a directory at all but I am stll able to produce primitives.
Totally confused....
I highly recommend the tutorials by Daryl Obert on how to use Xgen for Maya. Very well explained and thurough...
you try it out and maya flashes something red and says NO!
If your'e afraid of losing work, use caches to store your grooms etc. presets are really flaky so can't be relied on