Hi guys

The purpose of this project is to have a complete environment piece to use as a portfolio to look for a job as a prop and/or environment artist for games. I'm currently enrolled on Ryan's Kingslien - Environment Artist Bootcamp, i have chosen this concept since the division is one of the games i like the most.
It's based on a concept by:
Daniel Matthews
I'm still on the blocking phase, the cloth is only placeholder until i swap them with meshes created with marvelous designer.(gotta learn how to use it)
The Marble substance is still a WIP and will change it more as well as add some masks for the floor tile pattern.
The grid on the metal cages will be replaced with a texture with an alpha.
I'm creating the environment inside unreal engine 4.18, modeling with 3dsmax, and texturing with both Substance Designer, Substance Painter and Photoshop and maybe quixel ndo2 for some normal creation for later use inside painter, baking will be made inside Marmoset toolbag 3.
Any comments and critiques are more than welcome.
Thanks for coming

Here is my artstation:

I haven't posted in a while but here is another update:
I replaced the modular walls and columns with another version that has uvs for tiling correctly, and fixed an issue i had with getting pitch black meshes which was related with wrong gray textures packing.
I will also change the floor texture as well as only having 3 materials and adding some dust and dirt as well as some decals and a decal of dirty water puddle.
Also added a fake interior material to give some depth to some of the windows.
And some vertex paint too.
I used this video tutorial to learn how to create the bump parallax offset for the fake window interior:
Here is a short video recording of current the scene:
Sorry for not posting an update on a long time, i have been working on several assets as well as the scene lighting.
Added 2 cages
All current assets(except the blocking ones)have 2nd uv channel uvs so no seams anymore.
No more color variation on the floor tiles due to the light baking. Had to set the static indirect lighting scale to lower values, for me 0.2 worked however i'm aware it does increases the scene light baking by a lot even with lightmass importance volume.
Also been playing with settings on the post process for the sceen light mood + custom LUT.
Added Volumetric lights.(apparently quality scaling between epic and cinematic affects a lot volumectric lights).
Added some place holder particles to later substitute them for dust particles.
Now i only have 3 floor tile materials: black, white and white with black in the middle; also going to add dirt to it since it's very clean at the moment.
Got rid of the sky sphere and skylight to get rid of the remaining light leaks.
Still got a lot of assets to create as well as learning how to create cloth inside marvelous designer.
Also going to create a custom height texture for better vertex blending on the modular pieces.
Here is what i have now:
It's been a while since i have posted.
Here's an update in the scene:
Created my own concrete textures for the walls to replace the ones from substance source.
Tweaked the lighting a bit more.
Changed the floating dust particles to feel more like dust and not fireflies.
Added dirty and clean paper decals, newspaper decals
Added cardboard pieces to the floor
Added dirt to the floor in order to add variation
Fixed the tiling super noticeable textures on the ceiling.
Added some spilled oil puddles
Replaced the placeholder cloth meshes with the final ones.(marvelous designer was fun to learn)
Began adding more almost finished or finished meshes.
Also added a dirt mask
While i haven't finished the scene, i have to say i have learnt a lot from creating it.
Here is an update of the scene
Learnt a lot from substance designer, substance painter, marvelous designer, UE4 and marmoset toolbag 3.
It's has been awesome!