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Aspiring 3D Hard Surface/Props/Weapons Artist looking for Portfolio feedback

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Hey everyone,

This is my first post on Polycount, so hopefully I am putting this in the correct section.

My name is J'aime, and I am an aspiring Hard Surface artist who is currently trying to break into the industry. I have started to build my portfolio over the last year or so, and have been trying to learn industry standards for hard surface art and apply them in my work. I only have 4 pieces on my website so far (link below), and I know I have a ways to go, but I would really appreciate any feedback people could give me. I am open to advice on my presentation/renders of the pieces, as well as any improvement advice for the models themselves. I am hoping to improve some of these and use them with job applications, so be as brutally honest as possible, please. :smile: Also, if there are any details about the pieces that you think I should include in the renders (wireframe, UV's, polycount, etc.) please let me know. I am very new to publishing my art, so I'm sure there are things I am dong incorrectly.

Portfolio links:
frankjjdavies.com or artstation.com/jaimedavies (whichever is easiest for you)

In advance, I really appreciate any time you all put into this, and I am super grateful. Thank you!


  • LuisCherubini
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    LuisCherubini interpolator
    Hi J'aime, 
    Always look for the state of the art, model itens that you identify yourself with but also have a nice appeal to the general public. 

    In this journey, we also learn that the final piece is just 50% of the job, the other 50% is how you present it. 
    There is no correct formula to success, but there are things that work better than others. 
    Sharing your workflow, pipeline, WHY you model those things and WHY they are so important to you as an artist. For me that's important. You should just find that thing that makes you unique among everyone else.
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