Hi polycount.

This is a realistic character attempt I would like to add to my portfolio. It is based on a cyber punk young man concept done by Kuru.

I wanted to do this awhile ago but felt I still had a lot to learn so I am giving it a shot now.
This is my progress of the sculpt so far but I still feel it needs changes.

I went ahead and did a test render of the head in MT3. The head is still tweakable and rebaked. Does it look arlight or does anything stand out looking wierd? I am not sure looknig at it on my own.

I would be very greatful for some feedback as I would like to implement changes where needed.
Thank you
agree I feel liek a lot of detail from the sculpt and contouring is lost in the low poly making it look flat in some areas. Ill try to make it look better.
I know it's probably too late to change the sculpt but I think that face area compared to skull is too small also nostrils seem to be too flat.
Thank you for the critique
Here is a wip of the head, i jsut realized hsi head is too big in zbrush! I kinda enlarged it in maya to give more volume to the head ^^; Brought it back down. This is my ref board that i was using
Sorry for rough lines and minimalistic approach to feedback but I won't have access to my wacom or photoshop in following days. And I couldn't leave you without explanation
Looks like you miss one plane of the nose around nostrils (green lines - check shiny line on the photo - this is the palce where planes meet). Then nose flaps will have more volume.
Check angle of the red line. In reference it seems to be a bit steeper.
Hope it'll help
I did some work on the nostrils but it still is messy
I agree the forehead was so flat,I tried making it rounder and I need think it probably needs more.
I was having a challenge getting his arch to look right. I had to keep transposing the cheeckbone position to get ther right the position but I think I can refine it even further.
I am still not happy with it I will try to refine it even more. I think it looks alot more like James Mc Avoy now though
Will keep working on it, the feedback is well appreciated!!
taking his face mroe seriously to look like JMC. I think its gotten closer now. Will redo his secondary and tertiary detailsand try another test
I think the face looks alright now so I retopped the head because it had so many new changes. Gona test texturing with some pbr scans.
Thank you carvuliero, I am on it. I can see his ears really are too big, i can tone down the brow and thinner nose tip. For the jawline I am not so sure what else to do. He seems to have a rounded jaw than a squared one.
Did mroe work on the jaw, underjaw, neck, nose, brows, cranium, ears, size, and overall shape. This is where it is so far for th evening. I took out most of the hyperdetail as I found it looking noisy. I want to test and see how it will look doing the hyper stuff in substance painter instead.
Its late so I will do more later
Updated head and textures, I think its more improved than the first one. What are you thoughts? Anything to make it better?
Rework on the head...I think it is an imrpvoement from the first. Hmmm, is there anythnig off? Does it look passable for a game render? I hope it works out. I will have to rework on the hair too.
added some fuzz map, toned down the normals
Where it is so far. I think its almostt done just need to add his little bot. Stressful exercise
Hair without hat clipping.