Home Contests & Challenges Archives Riot Creative Contest 2017 Riot Creative Contest 2017 - Narrative

Survive – a short story about Katarina

General storyline jist:

Dealing with father’s brother or something. Really disses on her and tries to stop her ambitions. Little girl will never live up to her father’s standards. Ionian forces ambush their camp. She kills a bunch and hops and jumps everywhere. He does so too, but gets hit with an arrow. He is slowly overcome by ionians. Katarina tries to make her way over to him, but arrives too late. She tries to take on a great warrior, but is slowly losing. Upon almost taking an incapacitating blow, he jumps in front and takes it for her, and she is able to use that to finish the enemy off. Ionians retreat as kat and the man have one last conversation. It is raining. 

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