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Zbrush4r8_Morphing Mannequin (free)

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Morphing Mannequin (MM) is a zpr file that I made to have a puppet to start any sculpt mid poly (~20 k).

I have record several layer who are startup for a sculpts, like a smooth ; fat ; anatomically relevant & an Hulkish one . 

Polygroups are premade to use a Zremesher on the subtool, which will improve the edge flow on the mid poly. 

I will add layers frequently.

Demo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69-ChzA13z4&feature=youtu.be

Free Download Link : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OQaQnLOtdws3sFFw04A5Qgo1beAHMv5i


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