Hades job was a large burden even for a god.
He was supposed to lead the dead souls underground, through the Scary Forest to their last shelter. The Forest was so terrifying that
Hades had to lead these souls blindfolded, so they wont give a single look to this dreadful place, because this could turn them into one of the crooked trees and stay in there forever. He wore a special bell on his belt so the deceased could always follow him.
And so it went from day to day.
Above the Scary forest there was a cemetary. There was a minstrle who used to pass through it going back home from the tavern. Every single time he was drunk as a skunk and, you guessed it, he sang. His singing was heard even in the underworld and this drove Hades completely mad.
The only thing that calmed him down was the fact that, he knew, one day these songs would stop forever. When this day finally came he
kept the minstrel soul out of the forest.
He turned the nearest tree and the bard's gravestone into a body and placed the poor soul in it. So he become a new guide for dead souls in the Scary Forest. This is how the story of Ivern, the Gray Father, began. Ironically, the bard wasnt upset about all this, he continued singing and sometimes his voice was a single light in the Forest full of darkness.
2. silhouette correction
Still have time). I've finished lowpoly and made base for the texture. I am going to get rid of the highlight on the horn later.
2. normals(made for baking check and for fun ))
3.base colors
4. map
last update before final submission. Obviously I will not finish the whole texture by deadline. But I'll do my best).
Good job !