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Fashion Queen Zyra

Hi im new here , and honestly i wont submit an splash art , im just concept artist by now , im just studying so will apply to this contest for fun! <3 i know im not the best at drawing , but i really hope you like my ideas and they seem interesting to you <3

I started with a sheet for skin-ideas and i ended up with 14 diferent ideas (two sheets)  

now the second day , i ve started to define more the idea behind the concept and the names i wrote and i ve been adding some new elements and drawing some basic new ideas to not forget em.

Some Screenshots 

Corrupted Dryad Zyra:

Fashion Queen ( or maybe "Deadly Collection" Zyra)

Just finished the 1st skins chart , i ended up changing 1 skin and adding nother one to the chart , so Zyra Trustful Chain-Arrow will be drawn at the end , maybe in a 3rd sheet , till now the list counts 

And now the list goes like this:

 Zyra Badlands (Cyberpunk)

Zyra Savage Primal (I think I'll change the name) (Neanderthal)

 Zyra Sucubuss (The idea is that it is a variant of Evelyn)

Zyra Driada Corrupta (The idea is to look like annoying and looking to kill others)

Botanical Party Zyra (This is an Easter Egg: v)

Fashion Queen Zyra (or Lethal Collection "Z" by Zyra) (Inspired by the Killer Heels the High Couture, and the term Fashion Suicide) (The idea is that this collection of Designer Zyra, leave men truly ... dead for you..).

Zyra Loregreen Dryad or Driada Mundoverde (she is happy and the party opposed to corrupt Driada)

 Grand Hextech Admiral Zyra (It's a world in which Zyra is one of the most powerful and feared generals, she uses her high level of mastery with her Hextechs weapons to master the magic and decimate the enemy armies, either to gain ground or invoke defenses in the rearguard, she is a strategist, so she makes sure that everything is in favor no matter how the battle is fought) (Inspirations: Full metal alchemist, The new Swain: v, Fiora, Injustice Poison Ivy, and the generals of the animes from before)

Sixth Day: Just finished the second chart! <3

And adding those of the second sheet end up being:

* Corrupted Arcanist Zyra (It is a version inspired by Crystal Miaden of Dota 2)

* Space Void Zyra: It's an infested marine, I thought of a version that was a sexy alien, but as my level of drawing does not come to capture what I have in mind and end with something not very good, so I went for this concept that was also the original idea.

* Dark Primal Witch: It is a witch of the wild era, it is inspired in the enchantress, so filthy and dark, but basically that is the concept, it is a sorceress who uses shadows to absorb souls and magic within beings alive

* Arcade Evil Queen: It is the evil queen of the Arcade world, however this concept is complicated enough for me, since the Arcade style has many currents and contradicts itself, the Arcade skins have very specific elements, when you make a skin Arcade has certain themes to fill, because you have to make a child character, retro, that has to do with a video game, a console type in specific, and that is not equal to the other Arcade skins, this concept I'll change, Zyra's console is the Oculus Rift and I made her a dance game, but I realized that she is not an evil queen and also Sona already has that concept of the retro dance machine, so I have to rework it, but it's an interesting start, it's a pity that it does not serve the end xd.

* Evil Queen: The idea of ​​this skin is to be similar or the same impression as Queen Beryl of Sailor Moon.

* Shadow Master: Zyra is a kind of mastermind behind a plan to take over the city in an anime. At the same time she is number # 3 on a list of more dangerous killers, and the protagonist of the story must beat Zyra to save the city and reach number # 1, Zyra's armor and mask is called Metatetrathrox.

Trustful Chain-Arrow: Zyra is an apprentice ninja / swordsman, who despite his young age is awarded the Chain of the True Sword, one of the blessed swords (Crescent Sword, Sacred Sword, Eternal Sword) which it has the shape of a chain with arrowheads that direct its chosen one towards its destiny, and sometimes even towards its fellow swords, the Chained Sword of truth refuses to hurt any being, however, it is said that when liberates and adopts its true form, unleashes a power capable of vanishing the enemies, it is in the hands of the young and still naive Zyra, to discover the true nature of its "useless" chain, and discover, where is it aimed ?.
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