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Sci-fi Enviroment for gamedev

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Msta null
Hi, comrades!
Thanks to your feedback, I'm learning useful things.
This is my new work Sci-fi Enviroment for gamedev.

Could you please critiques this scene? Some render I did in Maya(V-ray) and some screenshot from Unity. As for me scene in Unity not so interesting as V-ray render.

Scene used 18 texture sets(7 texture in each set). Texture resolution: 2048x2048
Polygons: 569,911

I would like to know about my mistakes in this work.

Then V-ray render:


  • CrackRockSteady
    I think your lighting is hurting the scene, especially the Unity renders.  Right now everything is way too bright which makes everything feel flat.  It seems like the scene is lacking any sort of ambient occlusion or shadowing so nothing feels grounded.
  • Msta
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    Msta null
    I think your lighting is hurting the scene, especially the Unity renders.  Right now everything is way too bright which makes everything feel flat.  It seems like the scene is lacking any sort of ambient occlusion or shadowing so nothing feels grounded.
    Yes, that's great advice! Also everything is looks like too dirty as for me. I think that's because of big size of "dirt brush" on the wall
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