This is the concept I'm working from - 'Huntress' by Sasha Forman
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1VYlZI'm trying to do a very realistic interpretation of this concept but I keep getting stuck on a few things.
I've changed up the bone/prosthetic knee joint up a bit, just because I felt that the original design didn't look functional but now I sort of wonder if the mechanism will go with the rest of the model?
Also I can't seem to capture the right kind of metal texture, all my stuff seems to look like rocks?! Would really love some advice on how to improve this bit in particular! Especially as it repeats on the jaw, upper & lower leg and the shotgun. I wondered whether in the concept it looked like it had some sort of ornate design stamped on it that just sort of eroded away? But I'm not really sure how to achieve that.
Feedback on the face would also be appreciated, can't decide if I went OTT on skin pores
Still blocking in a few more things and making the props on the side. Would love to hear any changes you think I should make!

Made a lot of changes this past week! Before (right) After (Left)
Turned the metal neck piece into more of a protective armour/choker and really tried hard to get that hammered metal texture the same in all of the metal objects.

Quite a few things I'd like to refine further but times-a-wasting and I haven't even textured it yet! Prepare for a lot of purple.
I don't think you went overboard with the skin pores especially if you're going to be creating a normal map for the low poly version later on. It also helps break up the difference with the iron stuff and the skin. Since you're going more realistic with the concept, it might be cool if you make sense out of the structures and mechanical areas that need to bend and twist (but still have that metal / rocky look to them).
Since her leg is separated around the joint with what looks like her bone you could try and mimic that shape language on the parts of the neck that are visible under her cloak collar thing. Maybe if you had some kind of piston / tendon looking stuff for her sternocleidomastoid muscles, and some way to break up the shapes so she can move her neck around? Then I think you'll just have to try and make it look functional without it being too busy.
Whichever way you go the sculpt looks like it's off to an awesome start! I can't wait to see how you develop the character further.
I'll be posting another update later this week, it's one of my characters for my university project so I've only got a few more days left of sculpting then I have to crack on and make sure it's game-ready.
Thanks again for the crit!