So here's some early shots of my first of three Final Major Project characters for my third year of university. Posting it here to get some feedback, criticism and advice

Hopefully you guys can see I'm going for a Darksiders theme for this character and with the materials and face I'm hoping to achieve a Dishonoured kind of look as I love the art style of both of these games.
Bit of backstory to this character is that her spirit is in an eternal duel with death. So instead of having an actual weapon, she is able to use the forces of Death that try and drag her down to the underworld. that's why shes got all the hands clawing up her legs
to keep in with this "being pulled down" theme I wanted the character to be very bottom heavy and really get a sense of her standing her ground.
the plain areas of her legs are going to have chain mail and I still have no idea what to do with the belt as my original concept didn't really work in 3D as well as I'd hoped.
So yeah, Hope you like what I've got so far, but if anyone has any feedback, criticism or advise I'd love to hear it
