Edit: Soved, just use CS6. Could have figured that one out on me own...I realise this is the somewhat official forum, and I'm asking about a piece of legacy, free software, but hey, I thought I'd try. I'm modeling for a 10 year old game, so I figured dDo legacy might be a good addition to automate what I'm currently doing in max and photoshop.
Anyway, I downloaded dDo legacy and installed it. Installation went fine. However, when I load dDo with photoshop CC 2017, I don't get the 'automation hub', as is shown in the
AK tutorialI get only an empty dDo window in which I can create a new texture base. After feeding it all the maps (color ID, tangent space, AO, world-space normals) and a mesh, it start working and lo, creates a nice project in photoshop. The only odd thing is I get the following error during the process:

Furthermore, a dummy.psd remains open with 0 pixels. Unfortunately, this is about as far as it goes. The previewer also opens and my model sits there with what basically looks like an AO map and normals applied (the ones I baked).

(bits and pieces are supposed to be missing, this is really much a test)
The diffuse materials folder in PS stays emtpy. I'm not sure how to progress from here as my user interface is completely different from the tutorials, but going to [modules] -> [presets...] looks like the right path to start assigning materials and generating stuff. But no matter what I try, each and every material, wear pattern, or anything really, causes ddo to stop responding. Photoshop itself and the previewer remain open an usable.
So, basically what I'm asking is: dDo 5.3 x64, photoshop CC 2017 x64, win10. Do they play nice together? Or am I just fundamentally misunderstanding things? I'm running stuff as admin by the way.
Oh, by the way, once again I fully realise I'm asking for answers for a bit of software that's been released for free.