Hi everyone, I made an urban environment loosely based off this image

And here's what I got for blockout at the moment.

Something seems off about what I got. Gonna continue messing around with it.
Any feedbacks and/or critique is very welcome.
Thank you for your time.
Besides that I think your staircase front and center needs to be a lot more claustrophobic. In the reference image it's pretty damn narrow, and that really helps with the feel of the environment.
You'll also need to do a lot more work on how much piping is there. There's a lot more of it than what you have and what you have isn't 1) directly against the building and 2) realistically shaped. Look closely at how the actual plumbing is done, and create a kitbash set for yourself to work from.
I updated the scene with human scale dude.
Made the staircase more claustrophobic.
Added some more realistically scaled pipes. Still gotta get smaller sized pipes.
And added some mo details
texturing phase