Hi everyone,
I finally got around to putting some images together of all the assets I created for the game ‘Traffic Panic: Boom Town’, released for iOS & Android in 2017.
Modelled in Maya, textured in Photoshop and rendered in Unity.
The vehicles used a 512x512 diffuse texture for the body and a 128x128 shared emissive texture for the headlights and brakelights:
The buildings had 5 models in their level progression and used a 1024x1024 diffuse texture:
Each decoration set shared a 1024x1024 diffuse texture:
Thanks for taking some time to look, let me know what you think.
I should put together a few images with some textures on for you to look at then
There is nothing crazy going on to texture these assets, but we did overlay a few different passes at the top of the textures layer stack:
- AO bake, set to multiply 100%.
- Shadows baked from a top-down directional light, set to multiply 100%.
- A rising gradient baked from a ramp shader in Maya (helps to ground objects in the scene), set to multiply 50%.
- A cavity map-like bake was used for edge highlights, set to screen 50%.
Hope that helps!
It happens, unfortunately.