This is something I never quite understand: why are there both Alpha stamps and Hard Surface "normal" stamps in SP?
Both can be procedural as far as I know, so besides the difference in channel, when would I want to use normal stamps over alpha stamps?
We separated them because it makes them easier to sort/browse, but also because Alphas can be loaded in one click while Hard Surface stamps are only usable in a material.
Isn't that pretty much the same as a "normal" stamp? And it seems to me Alpha can do more by printing multiple channel at once.
As said in my previous post, normal map stamp can provide more information. Height is only an elevation, which is then converted as a normal map. This conversion happens in the texture space of the mesh, so after it was painted resulting in quality loss if your resolution is not high enough. So with all of that, there are some shapes that cannot be created from a height map directly (or not with the same fidelity).