Hello Polycounters,
My questions is probably not the most straight forward to answer, but I would love to know peoples thoughts. I've started using zbrush 4r7 as a trial and I truly enjoy working with it. For me, it takes out a lot of the technical bits of modeling that detract from my enjoyment of designing. The other thing that is a massive plus for me is the quick nature of UV unwrapping that Zbrush appears to have (this is my least favorite thing to do probably in the world). As I said I just picked it up, but my initial thoughts are UV unwrapping can be much less painful in Zbrush.
My question is, does anyone have a standard workflow that they solely use Zbrush for environmental prop/asset creation for games in UE4?
I know this may not be the most efficient way to work, but does seem to be the most enjoyable medium for me to use.