Hi everyone , I would like to figure out what's going on with my animation.
let me introduce to this topic and my goal for this model (this topic can be very useful to advance blender's user to work with blender and Unity or Unreal , so you should read if you want to help me or to solve this problem too) .
My model : 1 single Armature , 2 objects ( Arms and gun) . they share the Armature (Not rigify addon).
My goal : FPS animation ( workflow blender- unity or Blender Unreal )
for this current test I am using just a object with arms and not a body , because I need to test my animation ( as a good practice and of course to learn to deal with this following issue).
my issue in this animation. (check the first gyazo link below).
https://gyazo.com/8c44f7d24f233106e36a92c714ce2195 ( this is a gyazo's gifl so see it carefully, do not see the fingers, those are not problem I will fix later, the problem , there is not mag! )
so, why ?? why is not mag? or clipping ? ( I am using "mask modifier) this little beautiful Icon.
https://imgur.com/a/qFuoh ( mask modifier limgur link).
this addon is very useful for hide objects or bones ( the problem with this modifier is when you export the model or models as fbx or whatever, in fbx option, modifiers will be apply , so.... has sense? I export my fbx to unity , the mask modifier is applied...and voula...there is not mag....he's gone.
1 - How can I hide bones in blender without using masking modifier ? (is beatiful but is not great idea for exporting process, it is a modifier after all and blender's modifier can resolve their effects in apply button after the exporting process).
I am really want to create a good animation at least for reloading.... why? well...
I WANT this effect
https://gyazo.com/53a8f94a8385015a9ceaa3734a99ec50 (as you can see here, it is not perfect but the magazine dissapear!! that's the point I would like to show in Unity...however I can do that effects with mask modifier
and maskings can not be exported).
I DO NOT want
(yea do not want) this effect!! (the reason I am going to explain next).
https://gyazo.com/d09b1f82a7d0252d1d5a5f32ecbf3e2b ( in this gyazo's gift , sorry all my giazo are delayed...but imagine a little....in this gyazo, I do not use the masking modifier, and the magazine do not disapear...there is not bad idea...)
but....but.... I realised the magazine is not a car in a fuel station
... I mean , in the old school's game , a character shoot to the last ammo , then in the reloading process, the character pick up the empty magazine , retired from the gun , hold it down to the hips , and magic!!! he takes another one.... he has a fuel station in his pocket!! in his blue pocket! come on guys....should be a good way in blender to deal with parenting objects for this things...this is not about to pick up an object and move it....this is about to pick up an object , trow it (disappear) and start to hold another from his chest heavy jacket or his blue jeans once more...
finally, I had seen many tutorials to rigging a gun in blender, but died in blender...not testing in another engine. could be a good post for every person who likes to focus on differents workflows, blender to xx , to yy software .
all my workflow for this problem explain it here....
https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/98413/problem-with-picking-up-and-part-of-my-object-but-hide-too thanks.
the main problem I have is the mag is parent it to the bone weapon...so the main bone weapon is the father of the mag's bone...the IK hand is like a puppet... the ik hand is the child of the mag...
so in hieratchy I got , Weapon is father of mag, so mag is the child of weapon....and finally Ik-RIght hand is child of mag's bone....only right hand is the hand to allow put back the mag.
Just be careful with animation interpolation. A sudden change like this can cause some anticipation or overshoot in the animation, if the animation curve is being interpolated.
You can also try keyframing the visibility flag of that object. This depends on the game engine that you're using.