Hello Polycount,
I'm looking for some general critique on my portfolio. It's a 3D and 2D (separated of course).
petescott.artstation.com or
https://www.artstation.com/petescottI would really like to work with 3D modelling, perhaps with hard surface and vehicle modelling. I get to do some modelling in my current job (advertising) which is great but I'm not really developing as I'm teaching myself and that specific role is not full time. Currently using Maya but I can also use Blender.
How does my portfolio stack up with these types of jobs in mind?
Also working on a more ambitious project (Peugeot 205 CTi) but unfortunately my workstation went kaput a couple of weeks back. Hopefully I will get to upload the finished project here soon, but I've attached a couple of WIP screenshots.
Thanks again for viewing I'm interested in hearing your critiques.
Important things for the portfolio are to show what your final destination is. Where do you want to be? I personally think your 3D stuff looks a tad stronger than 2D. So maybe have your best 3 2D things then the rest 3D. I'm gonna be picky on the ice cream stick and say the texture looks a little too soft. At least the one on the left, the one on the right looks better.
Yes I agree I need more breakdown. I'm going to concede that my UV mapping could be worked on and I'm still not entirely clued up on the best practices still. But I can add some wireframes. AS far as materials are concerned I'm just using the basic shaders in Mental Ray. Hoping to jump to V ray soon.
I plan to put the car in a game engine at some point, after I learn how to rig it and make it game ready.
I've still got an endless list of stuff to learn so any pointers are welcome.
Thanks again.
I'm beginning to see a trend here! Yes I'm going to add some wireframes. As for the pirate ship I never really completed it to a standard where I thought the wire frames were good enough to post in a portfolio. I'm hoping to get back to that project soon though.
Destination wise I would like to work in the entertainment sector (a broad stroke), leaning on the movie side of stuff.
I'm finding your critique is posing me so great questions and I'm finding this hard to answer which is definitely a good thing.
Cool dude! Sounds good! From what I hear, movies is hard to get into and they work you like horses. Although, one major thing I'd suggest is just researching how they do their mesh densities, and what different types of roles they would do. Like would you mainly go into sculpting? Or retopo or texture? I hope to continue seeing more of your work! Good luck!
Thanks for the kind words. Ideally I would like someone to teach me this stuff first hand if possible. I would like to do hard surface modelling but anything in a 3d capacity would be great right now
@jaker3278 Thanks for your practical feedback it’s very helpful.
As for the the image quality it’s because I took them with my phone off my computer screen
Again it’s a work in progress and I’ve only really got so far as modelling and I’ve just thrown some basic textures on there. So I will be adding an hdri map, some lights and such and focusing on the materials. As for high poly to low poly I am still on the high poly phase. Will do some beauty shots and then concentrate on getting it set up for a game engine.
Thanks again sorry if my wording is a bit brash I’m typing on my phone
Thanks for the tips guys. I like the splash screen but if it's going to help me get a job then I can lose it.
Unless it is animating or needs to be seen in motion, you make it 2D shots.