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[UE4]Neon-subway station ( seeking crtics)

Hi everybody, my name is Rico, I'm currently a game student at Gnomon school.

This is my first game UE4 environment, I will be very appreciated if you can give me any feedback/critics on it, my goal is to put it to my portfolio, and I still have 6 months to polish it.

The story of the environment is about how do the robot survive in a city without human anymore.  Thanks to shabba's feedback, I realized that the environment is not too much relative to a robotic world, I'd like to hear your option from the design part as well as the visual and the technical aspect.    

I must credit  an awesome artist Andrew Averkin ( blur studio artist) for sharing his hardsurface module kit, I used them build the high poly for the robot. The rest of the scene is based on the reference of the New York subway. And as well as Clinton Crumpler's awesome work,  is also my main reference for the train. 

Thank you!


  • RicoSuyangWang
    By some reason, I lost my original post, so I wanna re-post the feedback I got from Shabba, in order to keep the discussion moving forward.

    "Very interesting idea, and a good start.

    - Ur images are huge man, takes forever to load them. Downres by 1/2+repost

    - When I read "story of the environment is about how do the robot survive in a city without human anymore." and then I look at your scene. I dont really see any signs at all of how robots are surviving. I see some robots, in a space that looks just like it would if humans were around, but I dont see signs of a story about how robots have adapted or changed that space in order for it to suit their needs, and aid their survival. Know what i mean?
    - Maybe the platform has been retrofitted with charging stations for robots to regen their energy systems, maybe they dont care about aesthetics and they are just w grouping of wires that they can gather round in a circle like penguins, heads down, plugged into a unit in their skull from wires hanging from the ceiling - tapping into the electrical system infrastructure already there for lighting? And they do this in groups along the platform while waiting for trains
    - do they have a currency? How does their economy work, can you tell that story through the look/function of the vending machine?
    - maybe replace the vending machine objects /w lubricants/maintenance pieces? Why do robots need redbull...
    - How would they have re-purposed the turnstiles for survival? Are they seriously interesting in checking robot tickets for boarding? I doubt it. - maybe the turnstiles have been retrofitted to become scanners for rogue bots that are utilizing illegal implants and dangerous robotics/parts? How can you visualize a security element like that?
    - The subway car - would robots leave the seats in the cars? Do they need to rest/sit/or allow elderly/disabled to sit? No, so how would they retrofit this subway car to make their lives more efficient. Maybe all the seats are ripped out and stacked in a pile on the platform in a corner. Maybe the floor is magnetic, and engages when the train starts to move? Holding each robot in place without worrying about falling. Maybe the signage where ads used to be or above doors, or new lighting strips on the ground gives visual feedback about when that magnetism occurs?
    - Maybe like that scene in FF7 when they scan the train for illegals, there is a laser system at the tunnel entry and exit that scans the trains again for contraband, illegals, etc.

    - not sure about the 'For a better future' sign. Feels awkward

    Anyways, these are just ideas - I'd avoid just putting some robots in a human space if your visual story is supposed to tell the tale of how robots survive in a city without humans.

    Hope this helps! And goodluck during the next 6 months! Can't wait to see more. Keep going!"


    Hi shabba,

    Thank you for your feedback, they make sense totally, I agree with that the whole system should be transfer to a way more appropriate for the robots, move the seats in the car and put them to a corner is a great idea, and I will definitely redesign the vending machine, replace the redbull cans to batteries/ cans of gas might be a good idea. Overall, very useful feedback, I appreciate it a lot, I will fix all of them !  

    The reason why I picked "for a better future" as a title, is because in the story, the robots are trying to make a better world than human's,  which is in human's opinion, a worse world. But as you mentioned, the idea doesn't show off enough through the environment, I'm gonna work on that.   
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