hello everyone , recently i posted my work here for some crits and tips and hoping to get some feedback so i can complete it , but its so hard to get views and comments so iam posting it here to get some opinion on this work and and also how can we make our work more attractive tips . any help is appreciated . thank you
I would say in your case this bit is definitely relevant
"Next thing is, you might have a great initial post, but no follow-up posts. There are unfortunately a lot of people who post something, but thereafter they have no other interaction with the community. 1-post wonders.
Often these are seen by others as not worth the time to write a good solid critique, because it looks like a fly-by-night. You invest your time to write a good crit, but then hear nothing else from this person. "
If you update your thread regularly with progress and describe your process and problems you encounter and ways you've tried to solve the problem already, you'll get more views and replies.
Your Flash has a serratus magnus that is heavily emphasized, while the rest of the character's muscle groups are layered underneath pieces of armor that hide the muscle insertions. This doesn't seem consistent. The sculpt overall is strong, but that serratus magnus sticks out like a sore thumb.
@Brian "Panda" Choi ian "panda i am using this reference . this is the suit i am making i should decrece the strength of it . thank you for pointing it out .
hello everyone , so here are some changes i made in flash model mainly worked on legs proportions and give some folds . let me know what to work on before giving good topology . thank you i am concerned about some folds , they dont look so natural now , ill work on those and any other tips ??
this is why i need reviews , sometimes i can tell there is anything wrong with it , working too long on it makes it difficult and also i just a beginner , thats when i need to get help from experts , @Eric Chadwick . thank you so much . i want this model to be good and also i can learn from community , so ill keep posting .
If you're looking for ideas about how to present your characters, browse the Recaps to see how others have done it. Hint: the background doesn't really matter, how you pose and light it does matter! http://polycount.com/categories/pcnewsfeed
A thing you could do to get even better feedback is to post images from more angles. I can not really see his back in the images you have posted, and the angle on the side view makes it hard to see the profile of him. Some closeups of high detail areas or areas that you are uncertain of could also help, I for one would love to see a closeup of his face. Also his skull seem to be a bit long in the back, like it is stretched out.
But keep more images coming, it will be awesome to see more progress on this.
I would say in your case this bit is definitely relevant
"Next thing is, you might have a great initial post, but no follow-up posts. There are unfortunately a lot of people who post something, but thereafter they have no other interaction with the community. 1-post wonders.
Often these are seen by others as not worth the time to write a good solid critique, because it looks like a fly-by-night. You invest your time to write a good crit, but then hear nothing else from this person. "
If you update your thread regularly with progress and describe your process and problems you encounter and ways you've tried to solve the problem already, you'll get more views and replies.
Check your proportions though. Arms seem wrong somehow... forearms too short? Thighs too long, calves too short, feet too small?
Also his skull seem to be a bit long in the back, like it is stretched out.
But keep more images coming, it will be awesome to see more progress on this.